Google introduces new tools to enable Bluetooth connectivity for the Stadia service

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Google, an American technology company, recently said that it will end its Stadia service. This generated a lot of rumors about the future of its controller, which was tied to the service.

GSM Arena, a tech news site, says the company has now announced that it will release a self-service tool that will allow customers to turn on Bluetooth on the Stadia controller.

Read more: How to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10?

This was a driver feature that was not being used and was disabled in the firmware. Once turned on, the Stadia controller can be used with other devices just like any other Bluetooth controller.

GSM Arena said that it cannot be done at this time because the Stadia controller was made to directly connect to and work with the Stadia cloud service.

The update should allow Stadia customers to continue using the controller with other devices after January 18, which is when Google said it would stop working.

Google also released one last game for Stadia users, called “Worm Game,” before the service shut down on Wednesday. The team has used this game for years and it was used to test Stadia features.

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It’s a simple title on purpose, and if the service hadn’t shut down, it probably never would have launched. GSM Arena says that playing the game that was used to test and build the service is a cool Easter egg.

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