Google introduces Privacy Sandbox Beta for Android 13 devices

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Users and developers will be able to experiment and test “new solutions” in the real world thanks to Google’s announcement that it will begin rolling out Privacy Sandbox Beta to a small fraction of Android 13 devices. Tech giant Google made the announcement.

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The company introduced Privacy Sandbox for Android in February of the previous year as an “industry-wide effort to set the standard for user privacy and ensure continued access to free content and services.”

“Building on our efforts on the web, we are developing solutions for digital advertising that limit the sharing of user data and do not rely on cross-app identifiers,” Google wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. “We are developing solutions for digital advertising that limit the sharing of user data and are not based on identifiers between applications.”

An Android notice will be sent to devices that have been chosen for the Beta program to inform them of their selection.

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According to the statement made by the big tech company, “Privacy Sandbox Beta offers new application programming interfaces (APIs) that are developed with privacy in mind and do not use identifiers that can track your activities on apps and websites.”

Applications from beta participants may make use of the APIs to display appropriate advertisements to users and evaluate the effectiveness of those advertisements.

In addition, users will be able to manage their participation in the Beta by navigating to the Privacy Sandbox section of the Settings menu. Here, they will be able to view and modify the interests that apps can use to show ads that are relevant to them.

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“Our goal with the Privacy Sandbox is to improve user privacy while giving businesses the tools they need to thrive online. The company claimed that forceful techniques that present no viable alternatives are detrimental to app developers and do not work to protect user privacy, leading to less private methods of tracking users, such as device fingerprinting. .

In addition, he stated that “we will continue to work closely with developers, marketers and regulators” during this process.

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