Should you start shooting reels on Instagram?

In recent months, a new feature has started to gain momentum on Instagram: short videos with the ability to scroll through the feed consisting only of said videos. This format is called Reels. Such videos have become popular on social media because they closely resemble the TikTok format. Now this is the trendiest way to talk about yourself and grow audience.

It can be seen that this format is attractive not only for authors of entertainment content but also for large companies that wish to promote their products on the platform. This interest is very easy to explain. Most Instagram users also use TikTok. The introduction of this format on Instagram allows users to receive said format on this social network and not switch to others. Of course, the audience is interested in him.

With the advent of Reels, users are less likely to buy followers on Instagram, as they can get a huge number of followers on their own if they follow modern trends. However, not everyone can create an attractive video as it requires effort and time, even though the videos are short. Users do not want to see low-quality content, during the creation of which no one tried to correctly set the light, prepare a script and make beautiful editing.

The most popular Reels format at the moment are videos that show everyday life. As a rule, they are distinguished by beautiful shots, slow-motion shots, rapid frame changes, demonstration of cozy places. For example, videos where someone works in a cafe or on the summer terrace of a cafe look very aesthetically pleasing.

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Should you start shooting Reels videos if you have an account? Absolutely. If you have your own online store, you can post Entertainment Reels and showcase your products there. Funny content attracts audiences and users will be willing to buy your product if it appears in entertaining videos. If you have a personal or news blog, for example, this format will work for you too. You can post short reviews of your posts or announcements of future content in such a format that users will want to subscribe and wait for updates on your account.

We can say that Instagram has been doing everything possible recently to keep the audience on its social network. Many users switch to platforms like TikTok if they become popular. This is extremely disadvantageous for Instagram and therefore develops as new trends appear. In addition to Reels, we can also highlight the appearance of a special section for online stores, the possibility of adding music to Stories and much more. In addition, this social network follows the global trend of fighting for the security and anonymity of users, as evidenced by the recently appeared function of hiding the number of likes and views.

If you want to promote your Instagram account, you can do it even in a short time. It all depends on your desire and efforts. We hope this article made you understand that you can easily gain popularity due to the new cod format and start earning thanks to it.

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