Apple CEO highlights existing AI features and confirms work on generative AI

During Apple’s latest earnings conference call, CEO Tim Cook responded to claims that Apple is lagging behind in AI development by highlighting several existing features enabled by AI technology.

Cook also confirmed that Apple is actively working on generative AI capabilities.

Although not labeled as “AI” to consumers, Cook said advances like Personal Voice and Live Voicemail demonstrate Apple’s innovation in artificial intelligence. However, Apple appears to be lagging behind its competitors in emerging areas such as generative text and speech artificial intelligence.

Apple’s everyday features showcase AI capabilities

Cook described how new iOS 17 additions like Personal Voice and Live Voicemail, while not marketed as AI, rely heavily on artificial intelligence.

Personal Voice uses on-device machine learning to create a personalized automated voice that replicates the user’s own voice. Live Voicemail displays real-time transcriptions of voice messages using voice recognition artificial intelligence.

Additional everyday Apple features, such as fall detection on iPhones and ECG on Apple Watch, also employ advanced AI, Cook noted. He suggested that Apple focuses on consumer benefits rather than leading with an “AI” brand.

Apple invests heavily in AI development

While highlighting the strengths of Apple’s existing AI, Cook acknowledged that the company is also investing huge resources in developing new generative AI technologies.

Reports indicate that Apple is spending millions per day on initiatives around large language models and other areas of AI. Cook confirmed a significant investment in the responsible advancement of AI, but declined to provide details.

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He hinted at future AI-enabled improvements to products like Siri and Messages. But Apple appears to be playing catch-up in generative text and speech AI, where its rivals have made strides.

iOS updates to add more AI capabilities

Upcoming iOS updates will reportedly bring enhanced AI capabilities to all Apple products and services.

This includes expanding Siri’s abilities through natural language processing, adding autocomplete to Messages, and integrating generative AI into development tools like Xcode.

But Apple’s assistant, Siri, still relies heavily on manually programmed actions rather than the seamless AI capabilities seen in Google Assistant and Alexa. Expanding Siri through AI remains a key priority.

Apple takes measured approach amid AI hype

As companies like Google, Microsoft, and Baidu rush to launch experimental conversational AI applications, Apple appears to be taking a more cautious path.

Cook reiterated that Apple will integrate new AI technology responsibly over time. This likely rules out the immediate launch of direct competitors to the viral sensation ChatGPT.

However, Apple risks allowing its rivals to consolidate their dominance in areas such as generative AI. But Cook seems happy with Apple’s strategy of gradual and deliberate advancement of AI.

The focus remains on integration with products

Apple’s focus remains on practical AI applications that improve its existing products and services, rather than chasing AI hype cycles.

But Cook acknowledges that Apple will eventually need more fundamental components of AI to match the rapid progress of its competitors.

While it already powers key features that users depend on, Apple’s fundamental AI research still lags behind its peers. Cook aims to close those gaps, but in keeping with Apple’s DNA of polished consumer experiences.

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