Armed robbers’ getaway car stolen by another criminal in ‘ironic twist’: police

Call it a case of instant car-ma.

A trio of armed robbers were looting a check cashing business in Colorado when another criminal took the opportunity to steal their getaway car, police said.

The incident unfolded around 11 a.m. Saturday at Hi Lo Check Cashing on Monaco Street in the Denver suburb of Commerce City.

While the masked bandits were busy looting the storefront, they ended up on the receiving end of what the Commerce City Police Department gleefully described as an “unexpected and ironic twist.”

“A fourth criminal stole their getaway vehicle,” the police boasted in a Facebook post full of joy over the misfortune.

Police said the vehicle may have already been stolen.

“We don’t know,” the researchers admitted. “If we get a solid description, we’ll post it here.”

Two of the armed robbery suspects were quickly pursued and arrested by officers who rushed to the scene. A third remained at large.

No one was injured as a result of the brazen daytime robbery, police said.

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