Caught on Camera: Woman’s Near-Accident as Train Approaches While Posing for a Selfie

A woman narrowly escaped a life-threatening situation while taking a photograph in front of a fast-moving train. This incident clearly emphasizes the risks people are willing to take to achieve the perfect selfie.

The incident, which was caught on camera, is a clear warning about the risks involved in putting social media content before one’s own safety.

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What did this woman do?

A terrible surprise awaited this woman, who was taking a selfie. The incident occurred near the tracks when several women were posing for photographs.

Fortunately, this particular woman’s injuries were not life-threatening.

In front of a moving train, a woman almost loses her arm while taking a selfie
Credit: Facebook

The unidentified woman raised her arm in the air and gave a thumbs-up gesture in the video posted on social media.

A train that roared past the group caused a quick tragedy. Unfortunately, the train hit the woman’s hand because she was too close to it.

The woman was taken to a hospital, according to a Vox News report, to have her injuries examined.

This kind of thing doesn’t seem very unusual on the Internet; On numerous occasions, people tried to take selfies next to the train tracks and ended up seriously injured.

When this happened?

This viral video was posted just a few days ago and has since created a stir among online users.

Where did this happen?

This happened in Pozantı, a district of Adana, Turkey, in the Belemedik Nature Park.

The incident is a clear warning that chasing the ideal selfie can sometimes be life-threatening.

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The fact that the woman nearly escaped a disastrous conclusion makes one consider the need for appropriate behavior in the age of social media, when it can be difficult to distinguish between endangering life and attracting attention.

In front of a moving train, a woman almost loses her arm while taking a selfie
Credit: Facebook

In addition to serving as a warning, this fact should start a debate about how, in the current digital age, to achieve a balance between personal security and online activity.

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