Elon Musk steps down as Twitter CEO and becomes CEO

Twitter CEO Elon Musk declared on Thursday that the company’s future CEO will be a woman.

“Excited to announce that I have a new CEO for X/Twitter. It will start in ~6 weeks!” Musk exclaimed Thursday afternoon in a tweet.

Musk did not reveal the identity of the next CEO. She is scheduled to start work in June.

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The South African-born businessman stated that he will remain an executive at the company. Musk will be in charge of core functions such as product and software development.

“My role will transition to CEO and CTO, overseeing products, software, and sysops,” Musk continued.

Musk’s comment alluded to X Corp., a private company joined by Twitter.

Excited to announce that I have hired a new CEO for X/Twitter. It will start in ~6 weeks!

My role will transition to CEO and CTO, overseeing products, software, and sysops.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 11, 2023

Twitter It has seen significant modifications in the last year. According to a story published earlier this month, Musk reduced Twitter’s workforce to about 1,000 employees.

“The problem is that the company is going to go bankrupt if we don’t cut costs immediately,” Musk told BBC News in April. “This is not a situation of care and indifference. It’s as if the whole ship sank and no one had a job.”

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Musk completed the acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion in October of last year. Since then, Musk has laid off thousands of employees, including those in the communications department. He made several changes to the site, including removing “legacy blue checks,” commonly known as verification badges. Musk added additional features to Twitter Blue, the company’s subscription program, including the ability to post longer tweets, longer videos and editing tools.

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Musk has just introduced new capabilities, such as phone and video calls, as well as encrypted direct communications.

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Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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