India plans to launch a mobile app store as an alternative to Apple and Google

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A senior government official has said there are about 500 million smartphone users in India, most of whom use Google’s Android platform. Indian companies constantly complain about their policies. Such a situation is not good for a Startup.

Paytm expresses its discontent

Paytm, the company that pays the most to Google, had last month opposed the decision of the US technology giant to remove its application for a few hours. On the other hand, Alphabet-owned Google has said this week that it is strictly implementing a policy that it will take a 30% commission from payments made for apps (mobile apps) on its Android store.

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There is already an App Store

In response to some earlier reports, a senior government official said that no formal request has been received so far. But it is considering developing a mobile platform. India already has a mobile app store with more than 1,200 government apps, the official said.

In addition, Paytm can also consider the issue with the Indian government. Google said in a statement that nearly 3 percent of developers on its Play Store have sold digital products in the past 12 months. About 97% of payment systems follow the policy.

Constantly express the need

Many Indian startup founders need a local app store. Vishal Gondal, co-founder of Bangalore-based game company NSF Games, said: “If we pay Google 30% and customers pay for acquisitions, how will our businesses survive? So it’s very important to have a local app store now”.

‘Google becomes judge, jury and executioner’

Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma said in an interview that Google was “acting as judge, jury and executioner.” He didn’t agree with all of Google’s arguments, but he did have to remove a few things to get his app back on track.

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