Is it true that the Golden Scorpion died? Famous Mexican Youtuber

The alleged death of Escorpión Dorado has the Mexican’s followers wondering if it is true that he died. More details here.

Is it true that the Golden Scorpion died? is the question that many on the networks are asking in the face of rumors of the alleged death of the Mexican YouTuber.

However, these rumors are false, since neither the Youtuber’s team nor his family has issued an official statement on the matter.

Alejandro Montiel Gutiérrez is known for creating comedy videos and conducting interviews with well-known personalities in both Mexico and well-known celebrities in the internet world.

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In recent months, it has become normal for rumors of false deaths to emerge on social media, the most recent being the alleged death of Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, as well as players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi.

Where did the golden scorpion die from?

The news about the death of the Golden Scorpion is “Fake New”, content that circulates on the Internet with the intention of deceiving and misinforming.

Which generates doubts in users, making them wonder if it is true that Scorpion Ruiz died, this being false. Likewise, this type of content starts with a rumor, which is a lie.

The danger of this fake news is its level of virality, because its content, being misleading, is easy for users to share.

Why the comedian’s nickname?

In a video of 50 things about me, Alex Montiel reveals that “The Golden Scorpion” was born as a parody of everything he dislikes, along with the not-so-kind people he has encountered in his life.

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Likewise, one of the characteristics of the Mexican is his golden mask, which is part of his character when he conducts his interviews.

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