Johns Hopkins doctor on leave after calling Palestinians ‘morally depraved bloodthirsty animals’

A top Johns Hopkins University doctor has been placed on leave after making a series of disturbing statements about Palestinians on social media, calling them “morally depraved bloodthirsty animals,” according to reports.

Dr. Darren Klugman, director of pediatric cardiac intensive care at Hopkins, posted the offensive comments on X after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, the Baltimore Banner said.

“These are the Palestinians. Morally depraved bloodthirsty animals who want nothing less than every inch of Israel and all Jews dead,” he wrote a day after the massacre, according to screenshots shared online of since-deleted posts.

“Stop talking to me about peace partners… it’s time to reclaim every inch of Israel for the Jews,” he allegedly wrote. “Israel does not have any peace partners with the Palestinians. “Barbarian animals do not care about life.”

Klugman, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, also wrote that the Palestinians are “showing the world exactly who they are and what they want: dead Jews and no more #Israel. Only wild animals. … Don’t talk about moderation, peace, Israeli aggression. “It is time to take back Gaza from 2005 and end Iran’s nuclear program.”

Dr. Darryn Klugman, a prominent pediatrician at Johns Hopkins University, has been suspended for a series of hateful comments posted on social media about Palestinians. Johns Hopkins Medicine

The X account under his name also responds to a post about a “large-scale massacre” of Palestinians with “God willing,” according to the Banner.

Johns Hopkins Medicine spokesperson Kim Hoppe announced the prestigious institution’s actions in a lengthy statement.

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“We at Johns Hopkins share the concern of many about deeply disturbing social media posts by a School of Medicine faculty member about the current crisis in the Middle East,” he wrote.

“These are the Palestinians. Morally depraved bloodthirsty animals who want nothing less than every inch of Israel and all Jews dead,” Klugman allegedly wrote.

“The faculty member who made these statements has been placed on leave and will therefore have no interaction with students or patients while we conduct a thorough investigation per our policies and procedures,” Hoppe continued.

“Statements that explicitly threaten or extol violence against groups or individuals based on national origin, race or religion violate our policies and do not represent our values,” he added.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations filed a complaint against Klugman with the Maryland Board of Physicians.

Klugman is director of pediatric cardiac critical care and associate professor at Hopkins.LinkedIn/Darren Klugman

“A physician who harbors the opinion that any ethnic group is less than human and expresses support for its extermination cannot be trusted to diligently maintain his ethical and moral obligation to care for the medical needs of his patient population to the best of his ability.” ”the council said. he said in a statement.

He called for Klugman’s medical license to be revoked if the board determines that he made the anti-Palestinian statements, according to the Banner.

In a statement, the medical board said it “cannot disclose whether Dr. Darren Klugman is under investigation or not,” WMAR2 News reported.

“By law, all complaints and subsequent investigations are confidential and not subject to public inspection,” he added.

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Klugman’s apology message.

Zainab Chaudry, director of the Muslim advocacy group’s Maryland office, said Klugman’s comments communicated a “deep-seated animosity” toward Palestinians that has “deeply shaken the confidence” of Arab Americans, the Baltimore Sun reported. .

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“The last thing any family should worry about is, ‘Is this doctor harboring any resentment toward my child?’” she told the outlet.

“Someone with that level of animosity calling for the wholesale slaughter of an entire ethnic group, calling them barbaric animals… The type of language that was used in the posts was really very disturbing,” Chaudry told CBS News.

He said his group wants the Maryland Board of Physicians to revoke Klugman’s medical license if it determines the authenticity of the hate posts.

“Hopkins, you need to take this seriously,” Chaudry said. “They need to take appropriate action and end their position there.”

Klugman apologized to colleagues in which he said he was writing the “note with a heavy heart,” CBS News reported.

“I wrote a series of hurtful and regrettable messages on X (formerly Twitter). “These messages do not in any way reflect my beliefs, nor me as a person, doctor, friend or colleague,” she wrote.

Johns Hopkins said Klugman “will have no interaction with students or patients” during an investigation.TNS

“I cannot undo the damage those messages have caused, and I am devastated by the impact they have had on my Hopkins family and others,” the doctor continued.

“Other than my family, there is nothing I value more than my job and the privilege of caring for the sickest patients and most vulnerable families,” he said, adding that he is “fully committed to repairing the damage.”

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