Lauren Boebert’s boyfriend’s bar was flooded with bad reviews after the ‘Beetlejuice’ date

An Aspen bar has been inundated with negative reviews online after it was revealed that the establishment’s co-owner had a raucous tryst with far-right Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Quinn Gallagher, 46, believed to be a Democrat, has co-owned the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar with Pat Flanigan since last year.

Hooch has hosted a number of gay-friendly events, including a “Winter Wonderland Burlesque and Drag Show,” even though Boebert (R-Colo.), 36, has made a name for herself as one of the most congressional conservatives and a vocal critic of drag entertainment.

Many online critics accused Quinn of hypocrisy for financially benefiting from the LGBT community while dating the conservative lawmaker.

“Apparently all of the core values ​​that co-owner Quinn Gallagher claims to possess were thrown out the window when he met Trailer Trash Queen Lauren Boebert,” one man wrote on Facebook.

Quinn Gallagher, 46, believed to be a Democrat, has co-owned Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar with Pat Flanigan since last year.Hooch
A screenshot of the Facebook review.One man wrote on Facebook: “Apparently all of the core values ​​that co-owner Quinn Gallagher claims to possess were thrown out the window when he met Trailer Trash Queen, Lauren Boebert.”

“You must love a place that takes your money, but hang out with bigots who consider you worthless and vote against the existence of your business,” one woman posted, sharing a photo of Gallagher and Boebert at Denver’s Buell Theater last week .

“Save money, skip this bar,” he added.

Another man wrote on Hooch’s Facebook page that “the owners are hypocrites” who “host drag shows while he dates a bigot, who speaks out against the people he serves.”

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A screenshot of the Facebook post.Another Facebook user wrote on Hooch’s Facebook page that the “owners are hypocrites.”

A third went so far as to claim that the bar is “not safe for members of the LGBTQ community,” citing “known links to radical hate groups.”

And a fourth suggested: “Hooch could do better by getting rid of its current property.

“Public display of indecency is a crime,” he added.

Even so, the bar maintains a rating of 4.4 stars out of 5 on Google.

The Post has contacted Hooch for comment.

A screenshot of the Facebook post.One woman advised others to “save money, skip this bar,” sharing a photo of Gallagher and Congresswoman Lauren Boebert at Denver’s Buell Theater last week.
Boebert is pictured with Gallagher at the Buell Theater in Denver.Gallagher and Boebert were caught on security footage vaping, singing loudly and even groping each other during a performance of “Beetlejuice” last week. Next 9NEWS

Gallagher’s relationship with Boebert, believed to have started months ago, was revealed last week when the two were caught on security footage vaping, singing loudly and even touching each other during a performance of the musical “Beetlejuice.”

The congresswoman and Gallagher were eventually thrown out of the theater before the end of the show.

The legislator turned around the ushers before finally leaving the scene, but not before warning them that he would report the incident to them.

“Do you know who I am?” she was quoted as saying.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, a member of the Republican Freedom Caucus, is pictured addressing the House.Boebert faces re-election and has made a name for herself with her anti-LGBT stance.REUTERS

In a statement Friday, Boebert apologized for her rude behavior, attributing it to her recent separation from Jayson, her husband of 18 years.

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The mother of four and grandmother of one filed for divorce in May, citing “irreconcilable differences.”

“There is no perfect plan for getting through a difficult, public divorce, which in recent months has been a challenging personal time for me and my entire family. “I’ve tried to handle it with strength and grace as best I can, but I just didn’t live up to my values ​​on Sunday,” she said. “That is unacceptable and I am sorry.”

He also admitted to smoking with an electronic device inside the theater, walking back his campaign team’s initial claims that other audience members mistook “heavy fog machines” for vaporizer smoke.

“Whether it was the excitement of seeing a long-awaited production or the natural anxiety of being in a new environment, I didn’t really remember vaping that night when I discussed the night’s events with my campaign team while confirming my enthusiasm for the musical. . “Boebert said.

Boebert is seeking a third term in Congress and is expected to face Democratic challenger Adam Frisch, whom she defeated by just 546 votes in last year’s midterm elections.

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