Remember when a class 12 student from Bihar fainted seeing 500 girls in the examination hall?

The demanding nature of exams, especially fundamental ones like class 12 board exams, can take a toll on students. It is not just the complexity of the problems that affects them; Often, it is the ever-present pressure of the exam environment.

Earlier this year, a student in Bihar experienced fainting during an exam, demonstrating the unexpected ways stress can manifest in these high-stakes situations.

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Who was the boy?

Bihar student faints after seeing 500 girls

Although the identity of the minor was not revealed in the report, it was noted that he was a student of Allama Iqbal College in Bihar Sharif.

What happened?

Bihar student faints after seeing 500 girls

The Class 12 student from Bihar apparently collapsed as he entered his examination hall, shocked to find himself surrounded by female students. Visiting a different school for his intermediate exam, the overwhelming realization of being the only male among 500 girls led to his reported “nervous faint.”

Where was the exam?

The boy was sent to the Brilliant School in Bihar for examination.

Why did the child faint?

Bihar student faints after seeing 500 girls

The student’s aunt revealed to ME TOO that, in addition to fainting, the child had a fever and had to be rushed to the hospital. She mentioned: “He went to the exam center and saw that the room was full of girls, he got nervous, got fever and fainted.”

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Following the news, a video of the boy and his aunt in the hospital circulated quickly, causing amusement and causing people to share laughter on social media.

The student was transported to Sadar Hospital and admitted for medical attention. In videos circulating online, the boy is seen being questioned about the incident; However, despite repeated attempts, he remains silent and offers no response.

The internet community quickly indulged in trolling the young man over the incident, with many simply finding humor in the situation. Some commented on how the incident highlighted the repercussions of gender segregation, eliciting a variety of responses ranging from amusement to critical observation.

Watch the video here

अजब-गजब! नालंदा य न एक छात्र को 500 लड़कियों के बीच बैठा दिया गया. नतीजा देखिए- लड़का बेहोश हो गया. He नर्वस होकर गिर गया. परीक्षार्थी मनीष शंकर को अस्पताल लाना पड़ा … लंदा से अमृतेश की रिपोर्ट.Edited by @iajeetkumar

—Prakash Kumar (@kumarprakash4u) February 1, 2023

#RIP : A student fainted when he saw 500 girls in the examination hall in Nalanda, Bihar. प्रतीत होता है ज्यादा ही Pघल गया लड़का !#bihar

– 𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐫 (@Rahulk123d) February 2, 2023

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