The strange but curious case of yellowing pillows: what is the phenomenon behind their yellow coloration?

If you’ve spent any time online this week, you’ve probably heard about the guy who claims his other half was “mad” at him when he showed The Yellow Pillow.

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Who was the man who exposed his girlfriend’s yellow pillow?

Why do pillows turn yellow?
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While it’s not the strangest story you’ve heard this week (that one was debunked, don’t worry), the lad, who calls himself Cam, sparked a lively debate after admitting he had the dirty item.

What did he do?

Cam posted a photo of his very yellowed pillow in a now-viral post on X, formerly known as Twitter, adding: “My girlfriend is mad at me because I revealed The Yellow Pillow to her.” I’m sure you all know that this item is magical.

“It’s not my fault that the pillow is yellow and gives me the most peaceful sleep.”

And it turns out there are plenty of other Yellow Pillow fans who took to the comments to support him, while some felt the whole thing was horrible. I’ll let you decide where you fall on that spectrum.

One person noted that they “haven’t rested comfortably since” losing their devoted Yellow Pillow, while another claimed that their “life has been a downward spiral” since losing theirs.

A third person said part of being a man was “using the same pillow since I was 10 and never washing it.” However, what causes a pillow to turn yellow? There are several causes for this, but almost all of them boil down to humidity.

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Why it happens?

First and most obvious, sweat. When you sweat during the night, it soaks your pillow and turns it saffron in color. In addition to this, saliva and drool, as well as natural oils from the skin and hair, can contribute to the yellowing of pillows. Plus, if you have a regular skin care routine, the oils, lotions, and creams you use before bed can cause your pillow to turn yellow.

How to deal with?

Time magazine also warns that if you want to keep your pillowcases as clean and snow-white, you should make sure your hair is completely dry before bed, as moisture from your hair can result in a yellow pillow.

Check out the viral post here.

My girlfriend is angry with me because I revealed The Yellow Pillow to her. Friends, I’m sure you all know this is magic.

– camera (@largemotorcycle) October 21, 2023

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