UPSSSC PET Result 2023 Prelims, “Check” PET Cut Off! pdf list

UPSSSC PET Preliminary Result 2023 Check Online. UP Preliminary Eligibility Test Cut Off Marks Download pdf, Merit List pdf, Main Exam. Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released the result of UPSSSC PET 2023. For this pre-eligibility test, the department is planning to announce the cut-off marks details of UPSSSC PET 2023, because this exam was conducted in the month of October. Apart from that, aspirants have to check the score with the help of the details provided by the recruitment board.

UPSSSC PET Result 2023

Page title UPSSSC PET Result Cut Off Marks 2023, Merit List PDF
Department Name Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
Exam name Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET)
Item category Result/Cut off marks/Merit list
Details mode Online
Exam level Statewide
Official link

According to details, the written exam for the Preliminary Eligibility Test was organized on October 28 and 29, 2023. Later, the department also released the answer key information in the month of November. Due to this, now the details about UPSSSC PET Result 2023. As we know through this, the applicants can check the marks obtained by them based on the performance they have performed during the exam.

UPSSSC PET Preliminary Result 2023

Due to this, we have come here to tell you about UPSSSC PET Result 2023. After the exam, aspirants must want to know whether they have passed the exam or not. The most important thing is that after the declaration of results, the board of directors will also tell the candidate what step to take. This will provide them with better professional options for their work profile according to the Preliminary Eligibility Test.

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Firstly, the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Commission department has come with the official notification. Subsequently, the registration process began on August 1. Then the last date of registration was August 30, 2023. Furthermore, after the declaration of results, the board will also update the UPSSSC PET Merit List 2023. Because in this name of the aspirants according to their rank in the exam It goes according to the provisions of the board.

UPSSSC PET Cutoff 2023

UP PET Result 2023 Important Dates:

  • Registration date: August 1 to August 30, 2023
  • Exam date: October 28 and 29, 2023
  • Results Declaration: Dec 2023

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has now uploaded all the details regarding the preliminary eligibility test as well as for other exams and recruitment through its official website. Similarly, UPSSSC PET Result 2023 is also provided on the same page. Therefore, aspirants should check how they can get all the details. We have worked out all the details that will give you an idea about how you can get results and other details.

UPSSSC PET Result 2023

Also, the exam board will now release UPSSSC PET Cut Off Marks 2023 so that aspirants can check the details of the marks that are important for the exam. As we know, the candidates’ grades are higher than the cut-off and they can go further in the next process. But if the marks obtained by the candidates are lower than the minimum, it means that they have not qualified for the exam. So, those aspirants who scored as per the cut-off, we congratulate you for your success in the exam.

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PET UPSSSC Merit List 2023

According to details, now UPSSSC PET Result 2023 will be available online. Currently all information is sent to the candidate only through this medium. Due to this, aspirants can also get the latest updates about the preliminary eligibility tests from anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, now the board is also planning to upload the scorecard of each candidate who has taken the PET written exam. So all the readers who want to know the PET result should also check the process below.

Additionally, UPSSSC PET Cut Off Marks 2023 will also be available as per the categories applicable in the exam. Furthermore, we will also inform you about the categories that have been given in the registration such as general categories, schedule caste, schedule tribe, other backward classes, economically weaker sections, female candidates, disabled people, candidates from families of fighters for freedom, etc. However, we also provide details about the expected cutoff related to the PET exam.

UPSSSC PET Cutting Marks 2023

Name of the categories Expected crop marks
General CategoryCandidate 60 to 65 points
Other Backward Class Candidate (OBC) 58 to 63 points
female candidate 58 to 63 points
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Candidate 57 to 62 points
Caste Candidate Calendar (SC) 55 to 60 points
Schedule tribal candidate (ST) 50 to 55 points
Freedom Fighter Family Candidate 50 to 55 points
Candidate for people with disabilities 45 to 50 points

UPSSSC PET Cut Off List 2023

Furthermore, several factors affect the limit given after the declaration of PET UPSSSC Result 2023. Due to this, the aspirants can also know about them. So, the first factor is the total number of seats available in the exam. Then finally the total number of candidates in the exam appears. Additionally, the department also checked the previous year’s cut-off list to establish its current cut-off. After that, it also depends on the difficulty level of the exam, which is important for the candidates.

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UPSSSC PET 2023 Result Details:

  • Candidate Name
  • roll number
  • Record
  • Name of the exam board
  • Subject Wise Marks
  • Result status
  • Cutting details
  • Authority signature

UPSSSC PET Result 2023 Process to obtain:

  • To know the exam score, applicants must visit the official link of Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC).
  • The portal home page has appeared when selecting the indicated link. So check the information provided on this page.
  • Now you need to go to the Latest Update section where all the updates regarding the recruitment and exam organized by the board have been provided.
  • Search for UPSSSC PET Result 2023 and then select it.
  • Another page appears before you. Enter the requested details here like aspirants name, exam roll number, registration number, etc. Submit details. And then wait a moment.
  • Your UPSSSC PET Result 2023 is finally out. Download the scorecard. Grab a copy for further use.

Categories: Results

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