VIDEO: Dog jumps from the second floor and falls on a motorcyclist

A little dog almost caused a tragedy after he jumped from the second level of a house, which was approximately more than 3 meters, and collided with a motorcyclist.

In a video captured by a security camera you can see the precise moment in which the dog, which is apparently a German Shepherd breed, jumps into the void while the motorcyclist was passing in front of his house.

By chance, the dog fell on the man and caused him to lose control and skid on the pavement. Fortunately, he was wearing a safety helmet and did not suffer serious injuries.

After what happened, the owner of the animal came out to check that the motorist was okay and apologized for the mischief.

The moment went viral on social networks, where users commented with funny memes about what happened.

“Boss: Why were you late to the office today? Me: You’re not going to believe this, Graduate,” “I want you to explain that to your bosses when they ask you why you were late,” are some of the comments they left.

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