10 effective tips for managing email

Digital cleaning is essential. It is not about deleting work emails, but all those that are not important, especially if we are talking about those from the supermarket, notifications of purchases that have already reached you and have been charged correctly, advertising, etc.

All those emails that clutter up your inbox and you don’t need to check them again, throw them away. Do it at the same time you read them. Delete without further ado.

archive mail

Organizing messages in folders is also very useful, especially when we talk about work issues. If you find it very tedious to do it as a daily routine or, simply, you don’t realize it, reserve one day a week, every 15 days, or a month, to do a thorough cleaning of the mail and store what you want in their respective folders keep. It will be very practical if you have to consult one when time passes.

On the other hand, you don’t need to overdo the folders. Try to have a few with very clear concepts, or you will spend more time than you should trying to decide which one to put that message from that relative who has commissioned you a job. Labour? Familiar? Whichever category you choose, choose the ones that are most practical for you and avoid copying the methods of others that may not work for you.

mute notifications

You silence email notifications so they don’t interrupt your work course or that free moment with your partner or family. As with social networks, it is advisable to select which notices to receive by email. If you have the option to schedule notifications to only sound at work, feel free to do so. And if you don’t want that to happen on the weekend, remember to also remove them on Fridays or Saturdays to reactivate them on Monday. Thus avoid one of the most important time thieves.

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Use two email accounts

Surely you already have two email accounts, one for work and one personal, but if not, we recommend that you open one to dedicate it solely to matters such as friends, family and digital accounts, such as those. from television platforms and online stores, as well as the newsletters to which you have subscribed, and reserve the rest exclusively for professional matters. You will save much more time than you imagine.

Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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