6 reasons why you should invest in a cloud-based intranet?

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When the first cloud technology was introduced years ago, it revolutionized the Internet and the business landscape. With the comprehensive benefits offered to streamline business processes, cloud technology was undoubtedly a favorite operations tool for businesses. That was until we were introduced to the cloud-based intranet.

Combined with the power of cloud technology, these platforms are convenient alternatives to traditional on-premises systems. As an internal social network that facilitates communication, task delegation, and analysis, the benefits of a cloud-based intranet are unmatched. This article describes why companies should invest in cloud-based intranet software.

What is a cloud-based intranet?

At a very primary level, a cloud-based intranet can be defined as a cloud-hosted platform or software. However, what makes cloud-based intranet software unique is the combined benefits of intranet and cloud technology. Intranet systems provide companies with a platform for effective communication, collaboration, and information sharing among stakeholders.

When such platforms are hosted in the cloud, they are called cloud-based intranets. However, compared to traditional on-premises software, cloud-based intranets offer many more benefits. Since such platforms are hosted on remote servers, companies can create a centralized location for tools that employees can access from anywhere.

But that is not all. Cloud-based intranet software offers a range of other advanced benefits. These include:

Reduced costs:

Traditional on-premises intranets often require upfront equipment in addition to a series of implementation, configuration, testing, and training steps. By contrast, cloud-based intranets come with a one-time setup fee and monthly charges. Your daily operations can also be managed by HR staff, saving you the expense of hiring IT professionals.

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Enhanced Communication:

One of the biggest advantages of cloud-based intranets is the wide range of features it offers users. Employees can use advanced tools and features to collaborate without having to invest in separate apps or software. Since the platform is centralized, employees can access the information from anywhere via the intranet.

Enhanced Security:

Traditional local intranets are prone to cyber attacks and security vulnerabilities. This can significantly damage a company’s reputation and eventually affect its credibility and revenue. Instead, investing in a cloud-based intranet can save business owners from all that hassle. Cloud-based intranet solutions are hosted on remote servers with the latest security measures. Therefore, data stored in the cloud is more likely to be safe in a cyberattack than on the backend.

Software Integration:

Even highly developed software can fall short of features in certain circumstances. The rapid integration of software into cloud-based intranets means that companies can effectively meet their needs without having to upgrade their systems. This means that companies can easily exchange data between different management systems.

Real time updates:

Real-time updates can significantly improve a company’s success in a rapidly changing digital space. It is essential for employees to keep up with recent developments in order to meet their goals and objectives. With real-time updates, employees can stay on top of project requirements, get instant feedback, and increase productivity.

Employee Commitment:

Switching between apps to share or receive information can be frustrating for employees. This can not only cause misunderstandings and confusion, but can also significantly affect employee productivity. Bringing all major business operations together can help improve employee satisfaction and motivation. You can also ensure that colleagues are connected at all times, which adds to the overall sense of belonging.

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Analysis of data:

Several cloud-based intranet applications come with analytical tools and reporting features. Businesses can use them to improve engagement, track metrics, increase performance, and identify critical operations or risks.

Final thoughts:

Without a doubt, cloud-based intranet software can completely transform the workplace and streamline business processes. Companies can now create modern and efficient workplaces by leveraging the combined advantages of cloud and intranet technology.

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Categories: Technology
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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