Alexee Trevizo Baby Autopsy: New Mexico Baby Died, Photos Reveal

We return with shocking news that a name is trending on the web due to serious news. A woman from New Mexico agreed to throw her newborn son in the trash at the hospital. Her mother’s name is Alexee Trevizo. She is a 19 year old woman. She is still a young woman. This news is circulating on the web and drawing people’s attention. Everyone is shocked right now by the serious allegations against a mother. People are accessing the search engine to get all the details about the news. What happened? What’s the whole deal? We will try to cover all the details of the news. Let’s continue the article.

Autopsy results on Alexee Trevizo’s baby

According to the report, a week ago charges were filed against her for first degree murder. She alternately abused a child, which ultimately led to the death of a young man. There is a wide variety of evidence against it. A young woman from New Mexico agreed to give birth in a hospital bathroom. There are several things left to tell you about the news, which you will find in the following section of the article.

Alexee Trevizo

baby died of suffocation

Alexee Trevizo died of suffocation by suffocation and was born alive and full term. On the basis of the report, images that had previously been made public were presented. He got out by the police. Apart from this, he hid the baby in the garbage where he was found dead a short time later. The lady is 19 years old and was arrested and charged with first degree murder or assault on a child resulting in death. She after the search for evidence just a week after clandestinely giving birth to her baby at the Artesia General Hospital. That was on January 27. Based on the charges, she also tampered with the evidence. Scroll down the page to also tell you important details about the news.

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Also, as for her apology, she accepted so much. She told her mother and the actor that the boy’s body had been discovered in the bathroom. According to the doctor, the girl’s body was discovered in the bathroom and “went out of her, and she was blank to take action, so she told this news to Lexee. When people heard the news, they began to criticize her mother, who killed her own son. This was disgusting activity. If we get other details, we’ll let you know first on the same site. Stay tuned for more updates.

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