Amanda Knox says Gypsy Rose Blanchard is not free yet and her mother ‘deserved it’ after years of abuse

Amanda Knox has said that Gypsy Rose Blanchard is not yet free and that her mother, who was fatally stabbed by Blanchard’s boyfriend, “deserved it” for the years of abuse she inflicted on her daughter.

Knox, who was wrongly convicted of killing her roommate, Meredith Kercher, in Italy in 2007, made the remarks in an article she wrote for The Free Press on Saturday in which she revealed her own difficulties in trying to return to a normal life. after being released from prison in 2011 and fully exonerated.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, 32, was released from prison late last month after pleading guilty to second-degree murder in 2016, when she was 24, for her role in the plot to kill her abusive mother, Claudine “Dee Dee.” ” Blanchard, in his Missouri. She got married in 2015 with the help of her ex-boyfriend at the time.

The Gypsy Rose case and documentaries about her story have put her in the spotlight and she has amassed millions of followers online, seemingly overnight.

And although she was released on December 28, Knox believes Gypsy Rose’s public persona and the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death may be difficult to overcome.

“You may not yet realize that you have entered a new kind of prison: the prison of public opinion,” Knox wrote. “When I look at Gypsy, even though she was guilty and I was innocent, I see that she is moving towards freedom in exactly the same way that I am.”

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, 32, was released from prison late last month after pleading guilty to second-degree murder in 2016. Andrew H. Walker/Shutterstock

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“It took me more than a decade to finally feel like I am in control of my life, that I am no longer trapped by my own story. “I have learned that I am more than the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but when there is value in sharing my story with others, I have the right to do so,” Knox wrote. “The same goes for gypsies. She is more than the horrible abuse she suffered, she is more than a plotter to murder. And now that she admitted what she did and served her sentence, she doesn’t owe anyone anything.”

Experts believe that Dee Dee Blanchard had Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a psychological illness in which she projected false illnesses onto her daughter in an effort to receive attention or material items out of sympathy for the victim.

Amanda Knox said Gypsy Rose Blanchard is not free yet. Amanda Knox/Instagram

Dee Dee convinced Gypsy that she had a litany of illnesses, including leukemia, and was years younger than her actual age. He also forced her daughter to sit in a wheelchair, forced her to take medication she did not need, shaved her hair, pulled her teeth, and fed her through a tube in her stomach.

Blanchard and her ex-boyfriend, Nicholas Paul Godejohn, were arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of Dee Dee in 2015. The following year, Blanchard was sentenced to a decade behind bars, while Godejohn was sentenced to life in prison.

“If you know anything about the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case… you know that 48-year-old Clauddine ‘Dee Dee’ Blanchard deserved it,” Knox wrote.

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“Gypsy may not realize that many people admire her not because she admits what she did was wrong or even because she survived and escaped horrible abuse, but because, deep down, they feel that Dee Dee deserved to be killed.”

Dee Dee convinced Gypsy that she had a litany of illnesses, including leukemia, and was years younger than her actual age. Courtesy of HBO

Knox and her ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, were convicted of the murder and sexual assault of her former roommate, Kercher. She was acquitted in 2011 after spending four years in custody. In 2008, Rudy Hermann Guede, an immigrant from the Ivory Coast, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for Kercher’s death and was released in 2021.

“When I left prison I found a world that had already decided who I was, what I had done, and what I deserved,” Knox wrote. “I have been free for over twelve years and I am still fighting to get my name back. Now Gypsy will have to do the same.”

Knox shared how the public and media painted a particular image of her character as a “femme fatale” while certain journalists asked her unpleasant and invasive questions, even though she was innocent of the charges in the case.

“Gypsy’s story is the perfect material for our twisted media environment that caters almost pornographically to our voyeuristic and critical tendencies, especially when women are victims or perpetrators of violence. I know this from experience,” Knox wrote.

Knox was acquitted in 2011 after spending four years in custody. Amanda Knox/Instagram

Knox said she needed to transcend the image of being “the girl accused of murder” and had to discuss parts of her case in public, but at the same time chose to keep much of her personal life private. She said Gypsy Rose would face similar dilemmas.

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“It will take time for Gypsy to know who she is on the other side of the tragedy that made her a household name,” Knox wrote.

“Freedom can be found in keeping that growth and healing private.”

Fox News’ Audrey Conklin and Gabriel Hays contributed to this report.

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