Animal in the spotlight! Extremely Rare Spotless Giraffe Born at Tennessee Zoo

When you think of a giraffe, what comes to mind? His long neck or even his thick tongue. Chief among them all is that the giraffe is best known for its dotted skin. The tapestry of brown square spots on a cream canvas is what giraffes are popularly known for among their exotic relatives.

However, it seems that a new lone giraffe is changing the scenery.

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Spotless giraffe born in Tennessee draws attention

Rare Spotless Giraffe Born at Tennessee ZooTwitter

A spotless giraffe was recently born at a Tennessee zoo in the United States. From the pictures we can see that this unique creature definitely stands out. Although she is a giraffe like any other, she steals the “spotlight” with her impeccable body. Unlike most giraffes, it is completely covered in dark brown fur, something that has yet to be seen anywhere else in the world.

Although not yet named, the newborn giraffe is already the star of the lot. The patchless giraffe was born on July 31 at Bright’s Zoo, which is a privately owned facility in Limestone. The 6-foot giraffe made his public debut this month and wowed everyone on the internet with his flawless skin.

The zoo claimed the newborn giraffe could be the “only solid-colored reticulated giraffe to live anywhere on the planet.” According CBS Newsthe last giraffe born without spots in captivity would likely have been one born at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo in 1972.

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🦒 A rare flawless giraffe was born at the Brights Zoo in Tennessee. According to local media, the last recorded flawless giraffe on record was born in a zoo in Japan in 1972.

-Reuters (@Reuters) August 23, 2023

The spots are used by a giraffe as camouflage in the wild.

Rare Spotless Giraffe Born at Tennessee Zoounpack

On a giraffe, the spots function primarily as camouflage in the savannahs of northern Kenya, where the giraffe originates from. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation explains that beneath each spot is a “sophisticated system of blood vessels,” and it takes an extensive network of vessels along with hearts weighing 25 pounds (11 kg) to keep the world’s tallest mammal upright.

Zoo founder Tony Bright is glad the giraffe is helping them raise awareness for giraffe conservation. There has been a 50% decline in the last 30 years in the giraffe population in the wild on the continent.

In addition to raising awareness, the zoo also allows people to decide what to name the newborn star.

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