Araceli Arámbula current partner: Who is the boyfriend of the Mexican actress?

Different Mexican media announced that the 48-year-old actress is dating Alejandro de la Madrid, who is also an actor. Araceli Arámbula and her current partner are co-stars in the series “The Rebellion“.

The relationship between both actors would have begun during the filming of the series; However, it was in March 2023 that the relationship rumors began.

Araceli Arámbula shared some photographs with Alejandro de la Madrid on her networks.

Although so far neither of the two parties has confirmed a love relationship, they have shared different photographs together on social networks.

Furthermore, in a recent interview on the program “Venga la salud” Arámbula assured that his heart “is excited.”

“I present to you my husband”: the message that Araceli Arámbula dedicated to her current partner

In January of this year, Luis Miguel’s ex-partner shared some photographs with Alejandro and expressed her love and respect for him. In the images they are seen together sharing the set of the series.

“Working with a lot of LOVE for you, here I present to you my husband in The Rebellion of the Wives here Mauricio and Mónica,” she wrote.

See this post on Instagram

Alejandro de la Madrid is 46 years old, of which 27 have been spent on stage or in front of the cameras.

He studied singing, dancing and acting. Her first productions include soap operas ‘Tú y yo’, ‘Soñadoras’, ‘Locura de amor’, ‘Carita de Ángel’, ‘Amigas y rivals’, among others.

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