Around 2,000 pro-Palestinian protesters demand a “permanent end to the occupation” of Gaza and the dismantling of the Israeli government in New York’s Washington Square Park.

About 2,000 protesters gathered for a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington Square Park on Friday with a long list of demands, including calls for a “permanent end to the occupation” of Gaza and the dismantling of the Israeli government.

The gathered crowd lambasted Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Hamas-controlled territory, waving Palestinian flags and holding signs with messages such as “Free Palestine,” “Ceasefire Now” and “Israel believes killing babies is collateral damage.” .

Protesters called on people to rebel against Black Friday by disrupting it and boycotting companies that support Israel. The crowd’s chants included: “1, 2, 3, 4, no more occupation. 5, 6, 7, 8, Israel is a racist state” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which the Anti-Defamation League classifies as an anti-Semitic slogan.

The demonstration included members of multiple organizations, such as the Palestinian Youth Movement, National Students for Justice in Palestine, The People’s Forum, Nodutdol, Al-Awda-NY, the Palestinian American Community Center (PACC) – New Jersey, the ANSWER coalition and the International People’s Assembly.

Manolo De Los Santos, a member of the People’s Forum, told The Post that his group showed up at the protest because “they refuse to be silenced” and consider Israel responsible for the war.

About 2,000 protesters gathered for a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington Square Park on Friday. Stephen Yang The crowd waved Palestinian flags and held up signs with messages such as “Free Palestine,” “Ceasefire Now” and “Israel believes killing babies is collateral damage.” “Stephen Yang

“This war did not begin on October 7. “This war began when the State of Israel was imposed on the people of the Arab world,” he said.

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“We want a permanent ceasefire, a permanent end to the occupation. We will close it today in New York City.”

A member of the Palestinian Youth Movement who identified himself only as Samar said today’s march and demonstration would be just the beginning.

Numerous pro-Palestinian organizations participated in the demonstration. Stephen Yang

“We are firmly committed and every day we will double, triple and quadruple that commitment until Palestine is free,” he said.

Layan Fuleihan, education director at The People’s Forum, sharply criticized the White House for its unwavering support for Israel, which President Biden has promised to continue.

“We are the White House’s worst nightmare. “They dream of nothing but blood, violence and exploitation of worthy people around the world,” he stated.

Manolo De Los Santos, a member of the People’s Forum, told The Post that his group showed up at the protest because “they refuse to be silenced.” Stephen Yang Protesters criticized the White House for its unwavering support for Israel. Stephen Yang

“We are going to continue fighting, continue raising our voices, until our demands are met. The White House is a Zionist instrument, they are puppets, their military bases, their corporate best friends, their conspirators, they all came together and orchestrated together the massacre of 14,000 beautiful Palestinians.”

He also referenced protests that disrupted the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade by soaking themselves in fake blood and gluing their hands to Sixth Avenue on Thursday.

“They can’t fool us with their Thanksgiving meals and upcoming Christmas celebrations. On Thanksgiving Day, the Macy’s parade stopped several times. There will be no genocide then, nor genocide now.”

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On the sidelines of the rally, a small counterprotest of a dozen people held Israeli flags as they called out the names of hostages kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and chanted, “Bring them home.”

At times, pro-Palestinian protesters shouted at the group, who taunted them by shouting, “It’s your bombs that killed them” and reading the names of Palestinian children who have been killed since October 7.

At times, opposing groups shouted at each other, while a wall of police kept them apart. Pro-Palestinian protesters shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) while those supporting Israel chanted “Long live Israel” and sang in Hebrew.

A small counterprotest of a dozen people held Israeli flags as they called out the names of hostages held hostage by Hamas terrorists and chanted: “Bring them home.” Stephen Yang

One protester shouted at the pro-Israel group, “Go back to Poland,” but declined to speak to The Post about what he meant.

The pro-Palestinian faction broke up in a march down Sixth Avenue, chanting “Intifada, intifada, long live the intifada” and repeating earlier war cries.

The group stopped in front of Macy’s on Broadway and 34th Street, whose entrance was lined with police, chanting, “While you’re shopping, bombs are falling,” “Clear it,” and “You’ll see, you’ll see.” Palestine will be free.”

Some pro-Israel protesters chanted “Long live Israel.” Stephen Yang

Friday’s demonstration in Manhattan comes amid increased global scrutiny of Israel’s war against Hamas, which began on October 7 after a surprise rocket attack that killed 1,200 Israeli civilians.

The terrorist group also took about 230 hostages, of whom about two dozen were released on Friday under the terms of a temporary ceasefire agreement between the parties.

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