Attack ad uses AI-generated voices of Nikki Haley and Tim Scott to claim they are ‘too woke’

An AI-generated radio ad recreate the voices from Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Tim Scott, to criticize them for being too liberal and “woke” to win the Republican nomination.

The narrator of the 60-second ad, funded by the Courageous Conservatives Super PAC and aired in red-leaning markets in Iowa and South Carolina, begins with: “It’s time to play ‘Who’s Most Woke,’ with Nikki Haley and Tim Scott.”

The narrator asks the “candidates” to answer a series of questions to determine “who is most woke” and also asks listeners to vote in a poll X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Who supported the defunding of the local police?” says the narrator.

Scott’s voice generated by “Celebrity Voices AI” responds: “That’s me, Tim Scott.

“My Justice Act defunded the police,” Scott’s character says.

The narrator asks, “Who demolished the Confederate Memorial” in Columbia, South Carolina, the state capital?

“Me! Nikki Haley,” responds the AI ​​voice of the former South Carolina governor.

Courageous Conservatives founder Chris Ekstrom told The Post: “We wanted to be creative.

The ad was funded by the Courageous Conservatives Super PAC and is running in Iowa and South Carolina.
nikki haleyThe video features Nikki Haley’s AI-generated voice asking questions related to wokeness.REUTERS

“We wanted to be fun and use AI voices. Haley and Scott are too woke to be the Republican nominee,” Ekstrom said.

Scott appeared on ABC’s “This Week” on June 20 and was asked about a story in The Root, a left-wing black publication.

The article had described the South Carolina senator’s proposed Justice Act as a way to defund the police because it prevented police departments from receiving funding if they did not comply with reforms that included chokeholds, no-knock warrants and training.

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“God bless ‘The Root,’” Scott told ABC’s “This Week” at the time. “It’s nice to have them by my side every blue moon. I’m not sure I accept your conclusions. But yes, it is important for us to use the resources that we provide to law enforcement, and a way to get them, to force them, in the direction that we believe is best for the nation, the communities that they serve, and frankly the own officers.

Jon Karl, the show’s host, went on to ask: “And I guess your point is that if police departments don’t do what you ask, they will lose access to federal funds. So there would be an element of withholding funds here?

Scott responded: “Yes. “Very, very important aspect of our bill.”

Tim ScottCourageous Conservatives founder Chris Ekstrom believes Republican candidates Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are too woke for the red party. Getty Images/Megan Varner

As for Haley, after the 2015 mass shooting that killed nine black parishioners at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, she signed into law as then-governor removing the Confederate flag from the state Capitol grounds, which many see as a symbol. racist. of slavery and white supremacy.

In the new ad, the narrator also asks who “kept a strong conservative” out of federal court. Scott had blocked Thomas Farr, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, for allegedly disenfranchising black voters.

“That’s me, Tim Scott!” responds the AI-generated voice of the Republican contender.

The narrator also asks who fell for the “Bubba Wallace noose hoax,” a reference to the incident involving the black NASCAR driver.

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“Nikki Haley, of course,” said her AI-Haley voice.

An FBI investigation concluded that the noose knot had been in the garage long before Wallace’s team entered and that the noose was not intentionally aimed at Wallace and therefore was not a racist act.

Haley, the first US ambassador to the UN under Trump, he tweeted at the time, “We should all support @BubbaWallace today against the cowards who secretly put the noose in his garage. Watch your backs, cowards. Bubba has a bigger army than you. #HateWontWin #WeStandWithBubba.”

The confederate flag Haley passed, as then-governor, a law removing the Confederate flag from the state Capitol grounds, sparking a backlash. Getty Images/John Moore

Ekstrom said his group has spent $35,000 on ads in Iowa and South Carolina so far and hopes to market the ad in Nevada, an early voting state for the GOP nomination. He also hopes to extend the announcement in South Carolina, another early voting state in February 2024, where locals Haley and Scott would need to perform well to advance in the Republican primary.

His Courageous Conservatives PAC was one of the first to endorse Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.

The group is not endorsing any particular candidate at this time, but reveals its sympathies by including a photo of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on its X account.

The group’s announcement is not the first AI announcement to hit the 2024 presidential race.

In July, a pro-Ron DeSantis super PAC used an artificial intelligence version of Trump’s voice in a new television ad criticizing the former president.

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The ad, paid for by Never Back Down, accused Trump of attacking Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and disrespecting the caucus’ first state.

Haley and Scott’s campaigns had no immediate comment on the announcement involving them.

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