Australian man is terrifyingly close to death after shark bites his leg, inches from a major artery

An Australian teenager nearly died after a shark bit his leg, narrowly missing his femoral artery.

Julian McLennan, 16, was surfing on Christmas Day afternoon when the beast attacked.

“I was sitting in the back, surfing, going over a wave and I felt someone grab me,” McLennan told 9News. “I look to the right and I see this huge fin sticking out of the water and, like, it’s the body of a shark.”

The teenager immediately began paddling towards the shore, not sure if he still had a leg or not.

He said he yelled at his friend, Alex Tobin, to tell him what happened.

“I’m going crazy,” he told the local media.

The quick-thinking friend quickly paddled to shore to grab his shirt and use it as a tourniquet.

After getting to safety, the couple called their friend Will Anderson, who was sitting in the parking lot.

Julian McLennan, 16, was surfing on Christmas Day when a shark bit his leg while he was sitting on the back of his board around 4:30 p.m. They would later discover that McLennan had been bitten inches from his artery. femoral, which could have caused him to bleed.

“At first, I didn’t believe him,” Anderson told the outlet. “I was thinking, ‘Oh yeah.’ But no, just the panic in his voice set off alarm bells in my head.”

The three of them got into the car and headed to the hospital, too scared that the ambulance would take too long to get to them.

“Not knowing how bad the sting really was, I just wanted to be safer and move as quickly as we could,” Anderson said.

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The 16-year-old thanked his surfboard for saving his life as it took most of the bite. The bite marks are visible right next to one of the back fins of his board. 9News McLennan and two friends were getting into a car and heading to the hospital after he reached shore. 9News

They would later discover that McLennan had been bitten inches from his femoral artery, which could have caused him to bleed to death.

The 16-year-old thanked his surfboard for saving his life as it took most of the bite. Terrifying photographs show the bite marks on the board from one of the rear fins.

“If I hadn’t had the fin on the surfboard, I probably would have cut my leg off,” he told 9News.

Despite the near-death experience, McLennan said he won’t stay out of the water forever, although he’s taking a break for now.

“I’m still a little surprised, but you know, we’ll get there,” he said.

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