Australian marathon runner breaks world record, completes unprecedented 685km in just four days

Australian runner Phil Gore has set a new world record in the 2023 Dead Cow Gully Backyard Masters Ultra Marathon.

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Australian marathon runner set a new world record

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Contestants must complete a 6.7km loop in one hour, known for its unique format with no finish line.

The event ends with only one runner remaining, and Phil Gore won after completing the course 102 times, covering approximately 685 kilometers over four days.

On June 17, 2023, the event was held at Nanango, a farm located 112 miles northwest of Brisbane, Australia.

The runner never thought that he would break all the records

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Phil Gore reflected on his experience, recalling admiring the previous record holder from Belgium, who did 75 rounds in 2020. He wasn’t sure he would complete even 75 laps if he set out to surpass this feat.

He never expected that he would break all previous records and become the ultimate winner. Running is an important part of his life, and his hard work and preparation paid off in this grueling race.

Notably, Merjin Geerts and Ivo Steyaert set the previous world record of 101 laps in October 2022. With 101 laps, runner-up Sam Harvey maintained his remarkable record, while Harvey Lewis finished third with 90 laps, setting a national record.

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Temperatures fluctuated between -2 degrees Celsius at night and around 22 degrees Celsius during the day, posing a challenge for all participants.

In the two months leading up to the 2023 Dead Cow Gully Backyard Masters Ultramarathon, Phil Gore had prepared for this temperature difference by taking cold showers.

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