Believe it or not, ‘The Museum of Death’ keeps track of every moment someone vomits or faints

It’s not often that we voluntarily visit an attraction with a history of people vomiting or passing out. But hey, some people like darker forms of entertainment. Workers at the Museum of Death keep a running log of visitors who find it too much to bear.

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What happens in the Museum of Death?

the museum of death

Strangeness aside, the museum in New Orleans, USA, seems quite interesting and definitely aims to take a different point of view on death than what we are used to.

After all, that will happen to all of us. Whether we like it or not, we must start preparing.

Inside the museum, you’ll see artifacts from different serial killers, such as John Wayne Gacy, as well as a number of other gruesome items, including the euthanasia machine from ‘Dr. Death’ Jack Kevorkian (the ‘Thanatron’, and genuine human bones and taxidermy. Simply put, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Where is the museum located?

The Museum of Death has multiple locations. One of its most well-known locations is New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. However, there is another Museum of Death in Hollywood, California.

Each location features death-related exhibits, including serial killer memorabilia, artwork, and other items of morbid interest.

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Why do people vomit or pass out on the spot?

the museum of death

Obviously, the nature of the museum can be too much for certain people, and some people have been known to vomit or pass out on occasion.

It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens. “People are opening up and asking questions,” Scott Healy, curator of the New Orleans collection, told National Geographic.

“It becomes personal when you look back and see genuine things connected to these stories.” Some of them seem too personal. Regardless, he revealed how the museum finds some of its exhibits.

“The reason [the museum] “What started it was the lack of education about death in our society, its taboo nature and its curiosity,” he explained.

“Our goal was to educate people.”

“The sourcing process begins by contacting a serial killer and asking if they would be interested in donating something because they are unable to make a profit or sell their items.”

“Then you start interviewing them. The correspondence will start with the contribution and progress from there.” They will also go to police auctions to see if they can get any strange and unusual deals.

How to deal with?

Despite its strange exhibits and morbid themes, the museum is ultimately a place of study and even entertainment.

He said, “This is a place where you can be creepy and not be judged for it.” Good luck to them; We can all benefit from being a little more curious about death.

What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments.

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