Biden dropping out of 2024 race “wouldn’t be a total shock”: biographer

“It would not be a complete surprise” if President Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, according to a Biden biographer who had “unparalleled access” to the president’s “tight inner circle” for his new book.

Franklin Foer, the well-connected author of “The Last Politician,” said Sunday he would not rule out the 80-year-old commander-in-chief withdrawing from a second-term bid because of the president’s strong belief in destiny. .

“I would say yes, it would be a surprise for me. But it wouldn’t be a total surprise. … It wouldn’t be a total surprise,” Foer told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd when asked about the prospects for Biden dropping out of the race by the end of the year.

“When he talks about his life, he uses this word, destiny, constantly,” Foer explained.

“Joe Biden is a very religious guy and destiny is a word loaded with religious meaning. And he always talks about, he can’t tell where destiny is going. And that’s why always, when I hear that, for me, it’s the ellipses in the sentence when he talks about his own future.”

Biden, the oldest president in US history, would be 86 at the end of his second term if he won re-election.

President Biden’s biographer, Franklin Foer, said it would not be a “total shock” to him if Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images
Foer cited Biden's strong confidence in his own "destination" as a possible reason for him to step away from the race.Foer cited Biden’s strong belief in his own “destiny” as a possible reason for walking away from the race.NBC

Privately, Biden “occasionally admitted that he felt tired” during his first two years as president, according to an excerpt from Foer’s book, which also notes that the commander-in-chief’s “public persona” reflected physical deterioration and dulling of mental faculties by time. that no pill or exercise regimen can resist.

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“You don’t need Bob Woodward to understand that Joe Biden is old,” Foer told Todd, referring to the Washington Post reporter who uncovered the Watergate scandal.

“I am not a gerontologist and I cannot predict how Joe Biden will age in the coming years,” Foer said.

Foer wrote in his book "The Last Politician" that Biden privately admitted to feeling tired during the first two years of his term.Foer wrote in his book “The Last Politician” that Biden privately admitted to feeling tired during the first two years of his term. Penguin Press

Biden formally announced his re-election bid in April, asking voters to give him another four years as president to help him “finish the job” despite growing concerns about his advancing age.

Two-thirds of Democrats and 73% of registered voters believe Biden is too old to seek re-election, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Monday, and only 36% of 1,500 respondents say they believe the president He is mentally fit. for office.

Publicly, Biden has acknowledged that questions about his age are a “legitimate concern” for voters.

But privately, the oldest commander in chief in history has “vented to his allies” about how much the issue is discussed in the media, according to Politico.

“You think I don’t know how old I am?” An exasperated Biden ranted to one of his acquaintances last year, according to the outlet.

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