Career Advancement: 6 Viable Ways To Future-proof Your Career

Are you worried that one day you will lose your job to a group of robots? Or will your boss catch you slacking off and sentence you to unemployment for the rest of your life? Well, first of all, calm down. Second, no one knows where it will be next year or even three years from now. And having the “will I ever be good enough?” It’s common among those who have a spark in them but just haven’t figured out the right way to light it.

Things are different for employees today, which means what worked a few years ago might not work now. For example, if you still depend on a physical cash register to hold all your money, keep in mind that competitive and highly advanced companies no longer use it. Therefore, sticking to the ancient times will not help you break rocks or become the best in your field. Fortunately, preparing your career for the future is an option. Preparing for the future is simply taking extra steps to prepare for a fluctuating world. By that, we mean a world that will rely heavily on the increased use of efficient resources, such as technology. Other than that, preparing for the future is a great way to achieve job security, no matter how tough your industry gets.

So, if you are willing to protect your livelihood as you navigate this changing world, here are some valuable tips for you.

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1. Dedicate your life to learning

Continuing professional development is all about staying relevant. You can’t rely heavily on your past performance to propel you to the next level of your career. So, take a look at your current skill set and think about skills that could improve your job prospects in the long run. Once you’ve identified your areas for improvement, create a personal learning plan to describe how you’ll acquire those skills.

A specialized master’s degree (in the right field) could boost your career prospects for years to come. For example, if you’re working in the social work department, it might be worth raising the bar for success by going for an online MSW. Also, opting for online education will benefit you because it will not interfere with your current job. So focus on leveling up instead of staying in one place.

2. Fake it till you make it

We are not suggesting that you lie on your resume or pretend to be someone you are not. Instead, “fake it” refers to the occasional lack of self-confidence that we experience when faced with a difficult task. Doubt can spread like a virus within you: “Can I really achieve this?” “Do I have what it takes to do this job?” If you are experiencing a dip in confidence, remember that positive behavior can easily outweigh negative energy and throw you out of your rut.

And what others see is what they see, not what you are experiencing inside. Let’s say you have to give a presentation and you’re nervous because you don’t know what you’re doing. In such situations, use your nerves as an additional source of energy to appear more intriguing.

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3. Network, network and network

A well-developed network can be a source of friendships, referrals or mentors, from pediatricians to electricians. Your network can also offer objective perspectives on challenges and risks. Trade organizations, alumni associations, churches, and friends of friends are excellent sources for meeting new people and building relationships to advance your career. As you do so, remember that job security comes and goes. But a trusted network of valuable contacts is treasured no matter what.

4. Keep a journal of achievements

When interviewing for new jobs, it’s critical to be able to look back on your past accomplishments. Potential employers will be interested in what you can bring to the party. That’s why keeping a journal of all your accomplishments is a great way to future-proof your career. You will be able to identify your strengths quickly and easily before an interview, which will increase your self-esteem. It can also shed light on some areas for improvement that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

5. Become a tech savvy

Do you have cases where you throw up your hands in capitulation and say: “technology is not my thing”? Take the extra time to master the technology you’re having trouble with, especially if it’s a large percentage of your work. Sign up for online courses to help you better understand basic office programs like Word or Excel. Project management, for example, is an area where robotic systems will not be able to compete with the human touch that is still required. Therefore, it is essential to brush up on your PM skills. Another way to look at it is to consider how you can use technology to increase your efficiency. Because many experts believe that working with artificial intelligence is essential to future-proof your career, you’ll need to speak out about the technology rather than oppose it. And the more you learn, the more impressive your resume will be.

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6. Know your industry

Knowing the future of your industry is critical to preparing your career for the future. It is very likely that everything that happens in your sector has an impact on the organization you work for and on your position. To stay informed:

  • Track changes and patterns in your profession, industry, and the broader economy.
  • Look to work in industries and for employers that have bright futures and long-term viability. You can stay up to date by reading quality news and specialized magazines.
  • Consider the economic, technological, political, and social changes that are influencing your environment.
  • Always be prepared for, and even welcome, a transition or role change to a different industry.


So, these were some helpful tips to prevent your career from approaching a dead end. And yes, almost any field of work, health, business or technology, can now offer you ample room to grow and the incentive to build a meaningful career. So don’t worry about your skills becoming irrelevant and focus on developing a fluid skill set, adapting to the ever-changing job landscape, and preparing your career for the future. Also, make the tough decisions now so you can live a smooth and easy life later.

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