Chaos erupts when angry protesters interrupt AOC during the Democratic press conference on New York’s growing immigration crisis.

Angry protesters chanting “close the border” interrupted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jerry Nadler and other Democrats Friday during a Midtown news conference about the escalating migrant crisis in the Big Apple.

New York politicians were drowned out by angry shouts as they tried to speak outside the Roosevelt Hotel mega shelter on Friday morning.

“Send them back,” shouted Jonathan Rinaldi, a Queens City Council candidate and serial sperm donor, as chaotic scenes unfolded outside the city’s main immigrant admissions site.

“Close the border, close the border. Respect the AOC constitution. “I am your voter,” one protester shouted.

At one point, a security guard grabbed a screaming Rinaldi, 44, and pushed him behind a barricade.

Protesters, brandishing signs that read “Americans First: Authorized and Legal Immigrants Only,” arrived at the hotel on East 45th Street as lawmakers addressed the city’s asylum claims crisis.

AOC and members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus had just toured the emergency shelter when chaos erupted.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats’ press conference on migrants was interrupted by protesters.Fox News

“What we are looking to do is make sure that every resource is needed and that we come together with the city and the state,” Ocasio-Cortez said before a man with a megaphone began shouting above her, according to Fox News. .

“Illegal immigration is not okay! Respect the constitution, close the border,” he shouted.

Ocasio-Cortez attempted to continue, listing solutions to the worsening humanitarian crisis.

At one point during the press conference, a security guard grabbed a screaming protester and pushed him behind a barricade.At one point during the press conference, a security guard grabbed a screaming protester and pushed him behind a barricade.Daniel William McKnight

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“I believe that there are three points of consensus here that are very important to achieve a solution to this issue. The first is that there is consensus here in all geographies and states about greater federal resources for cities and municipalities that deal with this problem,” he said.

“The second is to allow work authorizations so that people here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible. They are prevented from getting jobs. They are prevented from getting jobs and that is part of the pressure on our public systems. The quicker people can legally access the job they are applying for, the better we can resolve it.”

Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly called on President Biden and the federal government to expedite permits, insisting that the influx of migrants coming to the city will “destroy” the Big Apple.

The angry protesters shouted "close the border" as Rep. Jerry Nadler and other Democrats spoke about the Big Apple's growing immigration crisis.Angry protesters chanted “Shut down the border” as Rep. Jerry Nadler and other Democrats spoke about the growing migrant crisis in the Big Apple. Daniel William McKnight

Hizzoner warned earlier this week that a “black market” for immigrant employment was already emerging across the city as a result of the long delays.

Speaking to The Post after the politicians dispersed, protester David Rem, 59, insisted that many immigrants welcomed in the Big Apple had “jumped” the immigration line.

“My wife’s children, Diego and Lina, have been waiting seven long years in Medellín, Colombia, to come to this country legally. They have paid all immigration fees and have been fingerprinted by the FBI. “They’ve done everything right: They’ve been waiting and they haven’t violated federal law by crossing the border illegally, so why not them?” he said.

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New York politicians were drowned out by angry shouts outside the Roosevelt Hotel mega shelter in Midtown on Friday morning.New York politicians were drowned out by angry shouts in Midtown on Friday morning.Daniel William McKnight

“You already know what’s going to happen, a year from now they’re going to say to my children ‘Diego and Lina, sorry but there’s no place for you, the country is full.’ “It’s a slap in the face to legal immigration,” Rem said, holding a sign that read “99% of these asylum requests from illegal aliens are not real asylum requests.”

“From the bottom of my heart, I implore Biden to close the border. He’s two years late. “If people continue to be rewarded for violating federal law by crossing the border and coming to New York illegally, this will never stop,” he continued.

Fellow Queens local D’Anna Morgan, 28, agreed.

The press conference was held outside the Roosevelt Hotel mega shelter.Jonathan Rinaldi, a serial sperm donor and city council candidate, was forced to hide behind a barricade by security. Daniel William McKnight

“It’s not right for these immigrants to jump the line in front of people who have waited years and years to get to the United States the right way,” Morgan said, adding that he lives a few blocks from a shelter in Jamaica.

“New York City will look like a third world country.”

Thousands of migrants have arrived at the Roosevelt Hotel since it became a main arrival center in May to deal with the relentless influx of asylum seekers arriving in the city.

In July, dozens of migrants waiting to be processed were forced to sleep on the sidewalk surrounding the hotel when the shelter reached capacity.

The city has opened more than 200 emergency sites to serve the more than 110,000 immigrants who have arrived since spring 2022.

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