ChatGPT Creator OpenAI introduces ZeroGPT: What do you need to know?

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OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT, has now introduced a new tool called ZeroGPT. The company claims that with this new tool, users will be able to determine whether a piece of text was actually written by a person or by an artificial intelligence (AI) program that was designed to look like it was written by a human.

Read more: What is Chatgpt?

How does ZeroGPT work?

According to OpenAI, users need to type the text in the box and then click the “Detect Text” button. The AI ​​software will verify the input using methods created by the ZeroGPT team and then publish the result of its analysis.

What do the results show?

  • ZeroGPT will show you one of the following results:
  • The text is written by humans.
  • The text is generated by AI/GPT
  • Most of it is generated by IA/GPT
  • Most likely it is generated by AI/GPT
  • It is likely to be generated by AI/GPT
  • Your text sends mixed messages, with some parts generated by AI/GPT
  • The text is most likely written by humans.
  • It is most likely written by humans and includes parts generated by AI/GPT

How accurate is ZeroGPT?

To determine where an input is coming from, ZeroGPT uses technology known as DeepaAnalyze. Its accuracy rate is currently over 98%, but OpenAI says it is working to bring it down to less than 1% in the near future.

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Also read: OpenAI has released a new AI-written text identifier

How was ZeroGPT developed?

To develop the algorithm for ZeroGPT, the San Francisco-based research lab claims it analyzed more than 10 million articles, some of which were produced by AI and others written by humans. The experiments, on the other hand, are still being performed.

Anything else?

Students, teachers, and educators, as well as writers, freelancers, and copywriters will get the most out of using the app. In addition to this, it analyzes the AI-produced text in each of the languages ​​on offer.

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