Cut Off Marks of KTET 2023 SC ST OBC General Pass Marks

KTET 2023 SC ST OBC Cut Off Marks General Pass Marks and other details can be checked now from this page. This article delves into the complete information about KTET 2023 Cut Off Marks and other related information about the latest updates of the competitive exam. So stay with us till the end and read the full article.

KTET 2023 Cut Off Marks

KTET cut-off marks are the minimum marks that an applicant must secure to advance to the next round of selection. Kerala TET cut off list will be available on the authorized website of Kerala Education Department. The list will be released category-wise and candidates are advised to first check the cut-off list based on their category. The minimum scores for categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the KTET will be different.

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The official announcement of the list is yet to be made but is anticipated to be made in late July or early August 2023. The education department will initiate the KTET Cut Off link and candidates are required to use their login credentials to verify. the minimum qualifications required to pass the exam according to their caste or category.

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KTET 2023 Exam Highlights

The Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test is conducted every year to recruit qualified teachers in the public schools of Kerala. The exam was taken offline and the trainees were given 150 minutes to decipher the document. There are four categories in the document and the exams for all categories were held on May 12 and 15, 2023, respectively.

exam name

KTET exam

Consigned department

Kerala Pareeksha Bhawan


Hire qualified teachers

KTET Category 2023

1,2,3,4 category

Registration dates

04/03/2023 to 04/17/2023

Type of exam

Teacher eligibility test.

KTET Exam Date

May 12 and 15, 2023

Regularity of the exam

Once a year

Exam mode


Exam level


Admission Card Release Date


KTET Cutlist Release Date

Not yet announced (will be released in August 2023)

KTET 2023 Result Release Date

Not yet announced (will be released in August 2023)

Authorized website

KTET SC ST OBC General Pass Marks 2023

The overall score to pass the state level eligibility test for SC, ST and OBC is 55%. This means that candidates in these categories must score 82 marks out of 150 marks. The minimum passing grade for general category applicants is 60%. That means they need to score at least 90 points to secure their spot in the next round.

So, those who have calculated their scores by matching their answers to the answer key now check to see if they are scoring above the cutoff scores. This will give you an idea of ​​your chances of selection for the teaching position.

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Factors to determine KTET 2023 cut-off marks

Authorities need to determine several changing factors to prepare the cut-off marks for each exam. Based on these factors, the minimum ranking list is organized by category. The list depends on changing items. That is why the cut-off marks are different for the same exam every year. Let’s look at these factors:

  • The total number of applicants who applied for the position.
  • Caste/Category of the Applicants.
  • The level of complexity of the document.
  • The number of vacant positions offered in the recruitment.
  • Cutoff scores from the previous year.

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Steps to check KTET 2023 cut off marks

The minimum marks for the KTET exam will be published soon on the certificate portal. After the release of the cut-off marks, the aspirants must follow the following steps on the authorized portal to check the minimum marks to be obtained as per their category to obtain the government job.

Step 1: Contestants need to start the process by visiting the official website of Kerala TET 2023 exam.

Step 2: Press the flashing KTET admit card link on the tracking page.

Step 3: Continue the process by entering login details such as your registration number and date of birth.

Stage 4: Press the Send button.

Step 5: The new website will include KTET Cut Off Marks 2023.

Step 6: Download the cut list and save a copy for potential clients.

I hope that now you have all the required details that you are scratching about the vacancy. If we leave anything undisclosed, please let us know; We will update you soon.

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Frequent questions:

Question: Is there a separate cut-off list for the four categories?

Answer: The authorities will publish the cut-off marks separately for different categories.

Question: Where can I check the crop marks??

Answer The minimum scores will be available on the official portal,

Question: When will KTET results be declared?

Answer The official date is not indicated, but it is expected to be released in early August 2023.

Question: What are the SC, ST and OBC cutoff marks?

Answer: The cut-off score for reserved categories is 55%.

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