Dancer who died from mislabeled cookies suffered allergic reaction too intense for EpiPen: lawyer

The New York City professional dancer who died from an allergic reaction to mislabeled cookies suffered such extreme anaphylactic shock that her EpiPen was ineffective, her family’s lawyer said, as they vowed to seek “justice” at the supermarket they He sold the sweets.

Órla Baxendale, 25, was rehearsing at a dance studio in Connecticut on Jan. 11 when she suffered a severe allergic reaction to a vanilla Florentine cookie from Stew Leonard’s, attorney Marijo D. Adminey said in a statement Thursday.

“Orla was very careful and hypervigilant with everything she ate, and always carefully checked the ingredients in all the containers. Furthermore, she always carried an EpiPen with her and surrounded herself with people who knew how to administer it,” the lawyer added.

“In fact, when this tragic and preventable incident occurred and after she began having an anaphylactic reaction, an EpiPen was used but due to the severity of her allergy, it was not effective,” the statement read.

Órla Baxendale died from anaphylactic shock on 11 January. Instagram / @orla_baxendale

Adminey also criticized CEO Stew Leonard’s insistence that the cookie maker did not inform its namesake chain that ingredients now included peanuts, even though the Long Island-based bakery said it updated the company in July 2023.

“In what could only be described as deplorable conduct, Stew Leonard decided to release a video statement with his family alongside him, attempting once again to deflect blame by claiming that his product manager was unaware of the change in ingredients.” said the lawyer.

“Instead of standing up and taking full responsibility as the public would have expected them to do, as Orla’s family would have expected him to do, Stew Leonard’s is engaging in a public relations campaign in the media and promoting its own interests,” he insisted. .

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Baxendale died after eating mislabeled cookies, his family’s attorney said. Connecticut Department of Public Health

Baxendale’s passing was a double tragedy, Adminey continued, not only because his life was “tragically stolen,” but because his death was “100% unquestionably preventable and avoidable.”

In an email sent to The Post on Thursday, Adminey added that “we have every intention of pursuing action on behalf of her estate and achieving justice for Orla.”

“Based on Stew Leonard’s outrageous behavior in not including peanuts, which Orla was horribly allergic to, in the cookie ingredients, we will certainly be taking legal action!” added co-counsel Howard S. Hershenhorn.

Baxendale’s family lawyer criticized Stew Leonard’s response to the dancer’s death. News12 Bronx

Baxendale was originally from Manchester and moved to New York City in 2018 to study on a scholarship at the Ailey School.

At the time of her death, she was a professional dancer with the Momix Dance Company.

“Órla was very careful and it was not enough to keep her with us, she suffered a severe allergic reaction to a food product too soon,” Baxandale’s sister Niamh wrote in a heartbreaking tribute on Instagram.

Baxendale moved to New York City years ago to study dance. always loved

“Órla was radiant, a dreamer. “I feel very honored to say that this girl is my sister, everyone loved her very much,” her other sister, Ciara, wrote on her own page.

Neither Niamh nor Ciara responded to the Post’s request for comment.

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