Dating coach shares tips that will make you look super attractive to others

A dating guru has highlighted five characteristics of extraordinarily beautiful people. Jacob Lucas is a UK-based coach who has “helped millions of people achieve the love life they’ve always wanted” with his real-life methods.

He is the author of the Her Dating Coach guide, works directly with clients, and distributes dating content to his 766,000 TikTok followers.

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The dating coach shared tips to look super attractive

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In a recent video, he highlighted patterns or traits that he believes highly attractive people exhibit, as well as why this attracts others. During the video, titled 5 Secrets That Make All People Super Attractive, she also gives advice on how others should emulate this behavior.

“I’m a professional dating coach,” Jacob adds in the video.

And here are five things all supermodels have in common. ‘First of all, really good-looking people make access to them extremely limited.

They don’t waste time with just anyone. “The harder it is to get something, the greater the social value others perceive,” she says, explaining why this can be tempting to others. “Remember, most people want what they can’t have, so exclusivity is very attractive.”

‘Number two [is that] “Super beautiful people understand the art of strutting,” he continues. Standing out from the crowd is what strutting is all about.

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However, as Jacob demonstrates, this has its complexities. “If you try too hard to look scary, you look desperate,” he says. If you don’t achieve something small, you’ll get lost in the crowd.’

Here are some other points you should also keep in mind.

Jacob’s third argument, which he considers “very important,” is that “super attractive people tie their name to an attractive role.” “So, if you do an engaging job or activity, you should associate it with your name,” he explains.

Continuing, the dating expert says: ‘Number four, very beautiful people take advantage of their talents. ‘For example, if you have a charming smile, smile every time you take a photo. ‘If you have pretty eyes, use makeup that draws attention to them. He sends voice notes instead of SMS if you have a pretty voice.’

The final criterion comes from an internal trait, according to Jacob, who states that very good-looking people have “an incomparable confidence that comes not from arrogance but from high levels of confidence.”

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