DeSantis criticizes elder Trump for his age, ex-president’s camp burns as Ron suffers ‘mental breakdown’

Ron DeSantis attacked Donald Trump’s age on Sunday as the two battled for the White House, prompting the former president’s camp to respond that the Florida governor was suffering a “mental breakdown.”

DeSantis, 45, maintained that the presidency is not a job for someone like the elder Trump, who turned 77 in June, while emphasizing that he himself is in “the prime of my life.”

“The presidency is not a job for an 80-year-old,” DeSantis told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“Donald Trump would actually be older on January 28, 2025 than Biden would be on January 20, 2021,” the Republican candidate said, referring to the next president’s swearing-in date and the continuing controversy over the age of the Democratic president, who will turn 81 years old on Monday.

“Father Time is undefeated. Donald Trump is not exempt from any of that,” DeSantis said.

Meanwhile, “I’m in the prime of my life,” boasted the conservative Florida politician.

The Florida governor’s campaign has been maintaining a “crash tracker,” recording Trump’s verbal gaffes and glaring mishaps in the GOP presidential primary campaign.

Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis were once allies, before fighting each other for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Getty Images

“This is not the same guy as Trump in 2015 and 2016,” DeSantis said. “For Trump to appear on the debate stage, he would love it. Yes, he was in a bad mood, he was nervous, but it was all part of the idea that he was really going to change things.

“Now he is married to the teleprompter. “He is not willing to debate and is running because many of the same things he promised to do in 2016 were not fulfilled,” the governor said.

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The Trump campaign mocked the digs.

“President Trump is crushing Ron DeSantis by historic proportions in every poll,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung told The Post.

“Ron must have hit his head on the wall or is having a mental breakdown to say something stupid like that.”

DeSantis has been sharpening his rhetoric against Trump in recent weeks, accusing the GOP front-runner of calling him out while he enjoyed a commanding lead in the polls.

The Florida chief brought up issues that were characteristic of Trump’s 2016 White House campaign, and on which DeSantis said the former president failed to make significant progress, including building a wall on the southern border of the United States to stop to illegal immigrants and the “drain.” The Swamp’”, also known as the Capitol.

Donald Trump is the favorite in the 2024 Republican

DeSantis said Trump sounds like a broken record during the 2024 race by pledging to address both again.

“Trump is a high-risk proposition as a candidate because I think the chance of him being elected is small, but it’s a low reward,” DeSantis argued.

The Florida Republican emphasized that Trump would be a “duck from day one” if elected because he would have difficulty attracting good talent to his administration due to his poor record of getting things done and would also “have to bear all the burden.” these distractions.” .” Trump is currently the subject of a series of criminal and civil proceedings.

The former president has a massive 44.5 percentage point lead over DeSantis in the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate.

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Trump is also beating Biden in a mix of both critical national and state polls.

Indifferent to the polls, DeSantis suggested that Democrats and the media are keeping their powder dry on Trump for now.

“They are being very easy on him right now. I mean, they’re not saying much. … If I were the nominee, I mean, you would see scorched earth,” DeSantis said.

Elon Musk has faced accusations of anti-Semitism over a recent post on X.AP

“The entire election will end up being a referendum on Donald Trump, and Biden will be able to stay in the basement and I think he will be able to get his way again,” DeSantis warned.

The Republican presidential candidates are scheduled to hold their next debate on December 6 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Trump has not shown up to the three previous Republican debates.

There have been rumors that Trump will make a surprise appearance at the upcoming matchup, but nothing has been confirmed so far.

DeSantis also weighed in on the controversy surrounding Elon Musk. Last week, musk seemed to support a post on

Musk responded to that post by saying, “You’ve told the real truth.”

Ron DeSantis lamented the rise of anti-Semitism in the US AFP via Getty Images

The space and electric car mogul later attempted to fix the situation by suggesting he was referring to the Anti-Defamation League, after his post sparked a swift backlash, accusations of anti-Semitism and several companies halting advertising in X.

DeSantis, who launched his campaign on

“I’ve never seen him indulge in any of that,” DeSantis said of Musk regarding online anti-Semitism. “So it’s surprising that that’s true, but I haven’t seen it. So I don’t want to sit there and judge on the fly.”

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The Florida Republican underscored the prevalence of anti-Semitism on the left after the horrific Oct. 7 attack by Palestinian Hamas terrorists against Israel and Israel’s deadly retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

“I think that with the arrival of these attacks [on Oct. 7]”The amount of anti-Semitism we’ve seen has really surprised me,” he said.

“We have Jewish students fleeing for their lives because there are angry mobs,” DeSantis said. “On the institutional side, we have seen that this has become part of a left.”

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