GB News Save Cash Campaign: Sign the ‘Don’t Kill Cash’ petition

Here we will give the details about the ongoing viral news related to GB news like the complaint about their Don’t Kill Cash campaign filed. When the public heard about the news, they all began to surf the Internet to learn more about the news. The public is surfing the internet to find out more about the Don’t Kill Cash campaign as it has caught their attention. So, for our readers, we have provided information about ongoing viral news that has caught the attention of the public in this article. So, keep reading the article to know more about the news.

GB News Save Cash Campaign

Following a complaint about GB News’ Don’t Kill Cash campaign, media regulator Ofcom has launched an investigation into the publication. The action, which comes after a series of other investigations into the broadcaster, came just days after GB News launched a campaign to prevent the UK from becoming a “cashless society”, urging people to sign a petition and ask the government to pass legislation. to ensure that cash will remain legal tender at least until 2050. Since it began on Monday, the campaign, which alleges that “strong vested interests” are pushing for electronic payments to replace cash because they “allow third parties to track it to you and your expenses”. ”, has gathered more than 160,000 signatures.

petition not to kill cash

Those who sign up can choose to give GB News permission to send them marketing emails from the channel, which may include news alerts and announcements from GB News and carefully selected third parties. While political parties and campaigns are often supported by newspapers, UK broadcasters are not allowed to do so under the terms of their Ofcom license. Ofcom stated on Friday that broadcasters were not allowed to broadcast “views and opinions […] on matters of political and industrial controversy or current public policy” as a result of its guidelines, which are supported by the Communications Act of 2003.

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With GB News keen to promote opinionated TV news in a way that is more typical of the US, Ofcom is catching up and looking to enforce a broadcast code that was designed in an earlier period when the BBC and ITV. Host and former Apprentice star Michelle Dewberry complained that the channel was the subject of an “advertising boycott” because “politically motivated online lobbyists have made trying to shut us down their life’s work”, in a story published on the broadcaster’s website on Thursday. with the headline: “Left activists hate GB News and they hate you”.

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