Gurugram woman falls victim to online alcohol scam: Here are online shopping safety tips

In an incident reported in Gurugram, a woman lost more than Rs 30,000 while trying to buy a bottle of whiskey online. Unfortunately, her Google search for her led her to a scammer, causing him to lose her money.

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What happened when a woman ordered alcohol online in Gurugram?

Gurugram woman falls victim to scam
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According to a TOI report, a 32-year-old woman from Gurugram bought a bottle of whiskey online. She found a phone number claiming to offer home alcohol delivery after failing to find a local wine delivery company through Google.

What started as a basic search for a useful service turned into a series of transactions that resulted in a financial loss of $33,000 for the scammers.

According to the woman, after calling the given number and paying Rs 3,000 for a bottle of Glenfiddich from UPI, she received a follow-up call requesting more payments for the delivery.

She chose to cancel the order after detecting a possible scam. After that, the scammers demanded that she send Rs 5, guaranteeing a refund, and provided a description of the UPI transaction that included a sequence of numbers and characters presented as a GST number.

The refund of Rs. 5 the payment seemed to be effective at first. However, the woman soon received a message indicating a debit of $2,986 from her bank account.

What measures did you take?

Disgusted by this development, she immediately contacted her bank and requested that the account be blocked. Despite her efforts to avoid downloading suspicious applications that could compromise the screen of her phone, Shekhawat learned from authorities that her account information had been compromised after the five transactions.

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The matter is currently being investigated by law enforcement officials, who suspect that the scam occurred during the transaction, possibly with the help of a QR code transmitted by the criminals. Police have identified the phone number in question and are in the process of obtaining transaction information from the bank. Efforts are on to locate the accused, which has led detectives to Bharatpur.

How to stay safe online?

Personal and financial information must be kept secure. Avoid revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers, to unknown entities. Be careful when clicking on links and email attachments, validate the identity of the sender and avoid strange URLs. For added security, use strong, unique passwords with a variety of characters and enable two-factor authentication.

Never send money to strangers or reveal your financial information. Be alert for phishing attempts, as reputable companies will never ask for personal information through unwanted channels. These safeguards help protect against scams and improve overall Internet security.

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