Heart Health: 5 Signs of Aging Heart You Should Never Ignore

Heart Health: An aging heart is when less oxygen-rich blood is pumped out of your body. Scroll down to find out more.

Heart health is greatly affected by our lifestyle choices. Our heart beats some 2.5 billion times in an average lifetime, pushing millions of gallons of blood to every part of the body. Considering the never-ending workload on the heart, it is important to make efforts to maintain a healthy heart and to watch out for signs of an aging heart.

An aging heart is when the body pumps less oxygen-rich blood. An older heart rests at a lower heart rate compared to when you were younger. This means that your heart rate does not increase as much during exercise. This can lead to thicker artery walls and less elastic tissue, WebMD reported. Aging can cause changes to the heart and blood vessels. Here’s a list of signs of an aging heart that you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Decreased heart rate

According to WebMD, as you get older, your heart may not beat as fast during physical activity or times of stress as it did when you were younger. However, the number of heartbeats per minute or the resting heart rate does not change significantly with normal aging.

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2. Expansion of the left ventricle

Left ventricular hypertrophy is the thickening of the walls of the lower chambers of the heart. The left ventricle is the main pumping chamber of the heart. The Mayo Clinic reported that during left ventricular hypertrophy, the thickened heart wall can become rigid. The blood pressure in the heart increases. The changes make it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively. Eventually, the heart may stop pumping as hard as it needs to.

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3. Heartbeat

An older heart may not be able to pump when it gets harder. Rest at a lower rate compared to when you are younger. According to WebMD, an older heart rests at a lower heart rate compared to when you were younger. This means that your heart rate does not increase as much during exercise. This can lead to thicker artery walls and less elastic tissue in them.

4. Arteriosclerosis

It is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries caused by cholesterol plaques that line the artery over time. It develops when a sticky substance called plaque builds up in the arteries. This condition can affect most arteries in the body, including the arteries of the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis, and kidneys.

5. Shortness of breath

Dyspnea is a symptom of an aging heart. As the heart ages, its ability to pump blood decreases. Harvard University reports that while some degree of loss of vitality can be attributed to natural aging, fatigue and shortness of breath can also indicate that your heart isn’t working as well.

(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.)

Categories: Lifestyle News
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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