Here’s the latest Guinness World Record: Canadian dog takes off his 21-foot socks

A Canadian dog has smashed his way into the Guinness World Records by taking off his socks from an extraordinary distance of 21 feet, which is a moving and amazing achievement.

This amazing achievement not only highlights the extraordinary abilities of our canine friends, but also delights and amazes people around the world.

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Who is this dog?

HeCredit: Guinness World Record

On the set of the television show Lo Show Dei Record, the Australian shepherd named Daiquiri and his owner, Jennifer Fraser, traveled to Italy to test the record.

How long did it take you to take off your socks?

By removing 21 socks from the feet of volunteer participants in one minute, a Canadian dog set a Guinness World Record. Fraser took off the socks of the eleven women sitting in a row and gave orders to Daquiri.

On his initial attempt, Daquiri took off 20 socks, tying the previous record held by a dog named Lilu from California.

HeCredit: Guinness World Record

However, on his second attempt, Daquiri managed to remove 21 socks, breaking the previous mark.

Fraser and Daquiri already hold several Guinness World Records, including the fastest time to walk 30 meters with a dog’s paws on the ground and the fastest time to complete five dog wall runs.

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They also hold records for the most tricks performed by a dog in one minute and the most clothes retrieved from a rope in one minute.

Another 12 record titles for this dog

  • The number of tricks a dog can perform in one minute is 60.
  • 13.55 seconds is the fastest time to walk 30 meters while a dog moves between the legs.
  • A dog can run five walls in 9.240 seconds, which is the fastest time.
  • The dog’s fastest retreat was over 30 meters (17.54 seconds).

HeCredit: Guinness World Record

  • A dog can retrieve 18 items of clothing from a clothesline in one minute.
  • A dog retrieved fifteen toys in one minute.
  • A dog can knit a person’s legs 37 times in 30 seconds.
  • The fastest time for 30 meters with a dog with its paws on the ground is 42.03 seconds.

People around the world have been moved by the story of the Canadian dog who can take off his socks, showing how our beloved pets can transform even the most routine tasks into spectacular feats.

HeCredit: Guinness World Record

Their record-breaking feat will definitely encourage pet owners to value the special skills and abilities of their furry friends and serve as a reminder to us of the incredible ways dogs improve our lives.

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