Hillary Clinton was roasted for ‘shameful’ attempt to dance the ‘macarena’ at a party in Spain

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was caught on video trying to dance to “La Macarena” at a party in Spain with the duo that made the song famous, Los del Río.

After his meeting in Madrid with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, Clinton traveled to Seville to attend a party in his honor at the emblematic Dueñas Palace, according to Hola.com.

The video shared on Instagram shows Clinton being stopped in front of a group of people to dance with the band.

She tries to follow him, but doesn’t seem to know the moves to the iconic ’90s dance hit.

The Olive Press, a news outlet in Spain, said Clinton brought “shame” with her on her Jan. 19 trip.

Olive Press said Clinton’s lack of knowledge about the dance was puzzling, as it was constantly performed at Democratic Party events during the campaign to re-elect her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Clinton’s trip also coincided with the 30th anniversary of the ’90s classic, which became an unofficial anthem of her husband Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, according to Olive Press.

Hillary Clinton was filmed trying to dance to “La Macarena” at a party in Spain. Instagram / eugeniamartinezdeirujo “La Macarena” was Bill Clinton’s unofficial anthem for his re-election campaign. REUTERS The party was chaired by the Duchess of Montoro, Eugenia Martínez de Irujo. Instagram/eugeniamartinezdeirujo

The party was hosted by the Duchess of Montoro, Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, along with her husband and the president of Universal Music, Spain, Narcís Rebollo, the media reported.

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Other guests present were also the Spanish artists and performers David Bisbal, Pablo López and Vanesa Martín.

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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