How did Sheikh Abdullah Kamel die? The tribute comes as the prominent Egyptian reciter passed away at the age of 38

Today, we are going to share very sad and shocking news. The famous Quaran reciter “Sheikh Abdullah Kamel” has passed away. This news is going viral on the internet. This news has caught everyone’s attention on the internet. people are very sad for him, the news of his passing is viral on all social media platforms. His death was totally unexpected. The news of his death is the main headline on all the news channels. This is very heartbreaking news. people are very surprised right now. his family and friends are in a big shock right now.

Cause of death of Sheikh Abdullah Kamel

Now people on the internet are very interested in knowing about him and people also want to know about the cause of his death. So just for you, we have done a lot of research on him and collected dozens of information about him. We are going to tell you each and every one of the details about him. And we will also tell you about the cause of death of him so that you don’t need to visit any other site to check about him. Please read the entire article till the end, and don’t skip any paragraph or line in this article if you want to know all the information about it. So let’s continue the article now.

Egyptian great Qari ‘Sheikh Abdullah Kamel reportedly passed away today at a Masjid in New Jersey.

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— Concept TV News (@ConceptTVNews) April 28, 2023

Sheikh Abdullah Kamel was a popular Quran reciter and scholar whose melodious and heartfelt recitation of the Quran touched everyone’s heart. He was a very famous person. He was a very cool person. He was the best in the field of recitation. He was a highly respected man throughout Egypt. He was a well educated person. He completed his education at AI Fayoum University in 2005. He also used to host a TV show on Al Rahma which was based on religious themes.

Sheikh Abdullah KamelSheikh Abdullah Kamel

Recently, we all found out that he passed away. The news of his death went viral on all social media platforms. But some people on Facebook claim that this is fake news. But his friend shared the confirmed news of his death on Twitter saying: “He loved the whole Arab world. Today we lost a great reader.” Unfortunately, his cause of death is yet to be revealed. people on the internet are paying homage to him. And people are also sending condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace. So this was all about Sheikh Abdullah Kamel. We have shared every single thing about him. We will share more information about him on this page soon, so keep an eye out for PKB news.

The tribute comes as a prominent Egyptian reciter, Sheikh Abdullah Kamel, has passed away at the age of 38

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi rajioon. Another devastating loss. Sh Abdullah Kamel was so special. And this is so sudden. After a month of leading people in Qiyam. May Allah have mercy on him and raise his ranks with the Qur’an. Amen

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— Dr. Omar Suleiman (@omarsuleiman504) April 27, 2023

Shaykh Abdullah Kamel returned to Allah yesterday at the age of 38. May Allah elevate him as one of the true persons of the Qur’an (Ahlul Quran) and enter him into the Jannah without counting.

— Quran Telawah (@QuranTelawah) April 28, 2023

🚨Decease of Cheikh Abdullah Kamel (38 years old)

Source: Al Jazeera

Allah and rahmo 🤍

—Sally (@sxlmx1z) April 28, 2023

The death of the owner of the golden voice, the Egyptian blind reciter Abdullah Kamel, in the United States of America 💔🤲🤲🤲

— Sarah Palestine (@SarahNew1996) April 28, 2023

Egyptian great Qari ‘Sheikh Abdullah Kamel reportedly passed away today at a Masjid in New Jersey.

— zubair ali chaturvedi 🇮🇳 (@ali_chaturvedi) April 28, 2023

Both are different, the image on the left is of Imam Shiekh Walid Mahsas, who is from Algeria and lives in Alhamdulillah. The other Imam Shiekh Abdullah Kamel is Egyptian and he passed away differently, may Allah bless his soul.

— Riaz ᴬʰᵐᵉᵈ (@riazgold) April 28, 2023

Did you confuse the two?

The Imam (with the cat) is an Algerian named Sheikh Walid Mehsas. He is alive.

He is a different person than Sheikh Abdullah Kamel.

These are two different people.

– Purple (@disposableyyyy5) April 28, 2023

We have just received the sad news that the world famous Qari Sheikh Abdullah Kamel has passed away. May Allah grant him Jannah and make him accept all good deeds from him, Amen 😭🤲 “And it is he who accepts the repentance of his servants and forgives their misdeeds, and he knows what you do.” [Surah Shura:25]

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— Destiny Jannah (@jannah_express) April 28, 2023

Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihiraajiuun. We have lost our beloved Qari (Sheikh Abdullah Kamel)

– بندہ ناچیز (@javaidik0707) April 28, 2023

Shaykh Abdullah Kamel returned to Allah yesterday at the age of 38. May Allah elevate him as one of the true persons of the Qur’an (Ahlul Quran) and enter him into the Jannah without counting.

— Quran Telawah (@QuranTelawah) April 28, 2023

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