How to delete a TikTok video to forget that horrible dance you did

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TikTok is the most successful social network of recent times. Unlike Instagram, which initially bet on photography, TikTok focused on one-minute vertical videos. Currently, TikTok does not stop growing. This is because this company has been able to capture the language of the youngest very well, with a platform based solely on video, very easy to consume for hours and when creating. But, what if we want to delete a video?

What must be done so that there is no trace of the video? Well stay, we’ll explain it to you. We will explain how to completely delete a TikTok video. Thus, if a video has not turned out as expected, you can get rid of it in a matter of seconds since the procedure is fast.

The first step is to choose the video you want to delete. You need to click on the three dots icon in the bottom right corner of the selected content. Go to the far right of the list of options and click “Delete.” That’s all; the video will be gone forever.

TikTok offers options to hide and delete videos to all of its users within the app.

How to make a TikTok video private?

1. Click on the three dots icon in the bottom right corner.

Click on the icon of the three points

2. Scroll through each option and tap “Privacy Settings”.

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Choose privacy settingsChoose privacy settings

3. Choose “Who can see this video”.

Click on who can see this videoClick on who can see this video.

4. Click “Only Me” to make the video private.

Click Just MeClick Just Me

You also have at your fingertips the “Friends” option, so you can share the content only with those who follow you.

The critical point is that you cannot recover a deleted TikTok video. The only way to recover it is that said video is saved in the internal storage of the mobile.

How to delete a TikTok video completely without a trace

When we upload a video to TikTok, we all hope that it will go viral and get a lot of likes, but it could be that we are wrong, that we now know how to improve it, or that we are even embarrassed. to keep a video on our account.

Now that a little time has passed and we visualize it cold. You may want to delete a video from your account for many reasons, from your hairstyle to your ridiculous appearance to wanting to delete it when you are sure that you are violating the rules of the social network.

Related reading: How to crop videos on TikTok?

Delete from Tiktok profile

1. To delete a TikTok video, we will go to our iPhone or Android mobile application profile and click on the clip we want to delete.

Click on the clip you want to deleteClick on the clip you want to delete

2. Once inside the video, it will start playing normally.

3. We will touch the icon of the three points and a new options menu will open.

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Click on the icon of the three pointsClick on the icon of the three points

4. We usually use it to share the post, but we will tap on the ‘Delete’ option in this case.

Click DeleteClick Delete

5. Then an extra dialog will appear where you need to confirm the process again.

Confirm the process againConfirm the process again

Unlike Instagram, TikTok doesn’t have a trash can, so anything you delete is lost forever, and there’s no way to restore it. However, every time you upload a video to TikTok, a copy is stored locally on your mobile device.

Related Reading: The Best Time to Post on TikTok

Delete the original file

You don’t have to delete that copy as you normally want to delete the post from the social network. However, you can also do this process by following the steps below:

  1. Open the image gallery app on your mobile device. On iOS, it’s Photos; on Android phones, it can be Gallery, Photos, or Google Photos.
  2. Locate the video that has been stored on your mobile. Usually it will be located in the ‘Camera’ folder.
  3. Tap on the trash can icon or the three-dot menu depending on your app and then ‘Delete’. ‘
  4. Confirm that you are going to delete the video.
  5. Now, everything will depend on whether or not your gallery application has a recycle bin. Many mobiles do. Go back and look for any section in the app called “Trash”, “Recently Deleted”, or “Recently Deleted”. Enter, mark if you want to recover something from what is inside, and once you are clear, empty the trash to permanently delete your video.
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