How to verify an email address?

Online tools like the online email verification tool check whether emails are valid or not. Very useful for marketing companies. Both in our companies and at a private level, on many occasions we have had the experience that the emails we send bounce. We receive an automated response informing us that this email address does not exist.

The problem arises if we need to send mass information to 500, 1,000 or 2,000 emails. We would save time and efficiency if we verified those addresses first.

I can’t verify my email address: what should I do?

If you are having trouble verifying your email address, please check the following:

  • Please check your spam filters to make sure your confirmation email hasn’t ended up in your spam box.
  • Make sure you are using a valid email address format.
  • Double check how you typed the email address you submitted.
  • Add the Skrill domain as a trusted sender domain in your customer email.
  • Use popular email domains like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. to ensure that you are able to receive automated emails from Skrill.

correct address or not

Some companies, like the online email verification tool, make it easy for us. It lets you know if that email address is correct or not. Also, check if our email has been compromised in a data breach or stolen by hackers.

With this free online tool we save time, efficiency and money because we improve the deliverability of these emails. For marketing related businesses and sending company announcements via email, this online page is a very useful system to improve sending efficiency. Because we must not forget that one of the key tools to measure the effectiveness of an email campaign is the opening rate of the messages sent.

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The online email verification tool prevents a good number of messages from being left in the spam box or filling up your inbox with invalid responses. This company offers an online solution to this problem for free and effective, without the need to register. It allows you to verify by removing expired addresses, invalid syntax, and fake emails.

Mass Verification

One of the most complete services offered by this company is the mass verification of email addresses. The goal is to avoid going through each email one by one, an arduous task that requires a great deal of time.

Thanks to the online email verification tool, the user just has to download the entire list of emails in one go and this service will check the list thoroughly.

Data Protection

“At’s online email verification tool, we strive to respect and protect the privacy of our visitors and users. That’s why so many clients trust us by sending us their email lists. To always preserve the confidentiality of the data, we promise to never share and resell any email address”, they explain to ECD from the company.

The results of the analyzes performed are only visible to the company that requested the verification. Always for discretion and security, Captain ensures that the robots present in the search engines cannot access the results in any case.

Chase down hackers

Another service that online email verification tool offers is to check if our email address has been hacked to steal our personal data. The system can find out, by testing your email address, if your data has been breached. This is a very necessary service to prevent espionage and safeguard our information.

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