Instagram Test Feature to Only Show Posts from Paid Verified Accounts

Instagram is experimenting with a new option that allows users to only see posts from accounts enrolled in its paid verification program, Meta Verified.

The test indicates Instagram’s continued push for its subscription service.

New Featured Verified Meta Content Toggle

On Monday, Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced that the platform is testing a Meta Verified filter. The option allows users to choose to only see posts from creators and companies that pay between $12 and $15 a month for verification.

The filter will appear as a main feed option next to “Following” and “Favorites” when you tap the Instagram logo. Its prime location could attract more users to pay for verification to gain visibility.

Part of a broader subscription push

The test represents Instagram’s latest move to promote Meta Verified subscriptions, which launched earlier this year. The program verifies accounts and offers benefits such as special support and protection against phishing.

After initial testing in Australia and New Zealand, Meta Verified became available in the US. It opened for business accounts in September as Instagram drove more customer registrations.

Meta-verified advantages appear similar to competitors

Meta Verified offers subscribers a blue check mark identical to its counterparts on Facebook and Twitter. But it was inspired by other benefits of its competitors.

Like Twitter Blue, Meta Verified aims to make subscribers more prominent on the platform. Twitter has faced backlash for allowing Blue users’ responses to appear higher up.

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Meta Verified also offers direct access to live support specialists, similar to YouTube Channel Memberships and other subscription models for creators.

Mosseri: A new lever is being tested with small groups

In his announcement, Adam Mosseri did not provide details about the scope of the Meta Verified filter test. He simply urged users to share their feedback if they gain access to the feature.

This implies that Instagram is testing the option with a limited sample of its user base for now. A broader rollout would likely depend on reaction and data from initial testing.

Walking a fine line after a competitor stumbles

Instagram must walk a careful line as it experiments with paid verification and visibility. The chaotic launch of Blue Verified on Twitter sparked confusion and impersonation issues.

By testing slowly and offering strong account security, Meta hopes to avoid backlash while boosting Meta Verified signups. But more prominent placement risks undermining the integrity of the content if not handled wisely.

In short, Instagram is exploring a new channel to highlight Meta Verified users and potentially incentivize purchases. But the company is likely to proceed cautiously to avoid amplifying bad actors on its platform.

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