Intelligence test with optical illusion: find the hidden kiwis in 9 seconds and show that you have hawk eyes

Optical illusions are intelligent images that trick your perception and make you see things in an altered way. They can introduce elements that don’t exist or cause you to overlook details that are usually obvious.

Beyond their entertainment value, optical illusions can serve as indicators of cognitive abilities, offering information about an individual’s intelligence. Additionally, they could provide clues about an individual’s personality. personality traits.

By confronting these illusions, we discover aspects of ourselves that remain hidden, revealing hidden facets of our personality and shedding light on our behaviors in social settings.

Try today’s optical illusion! It is designed to challenge your intelligence!

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Find the hidden kiwis

Your task for the test is to observe the optical illusion and find the four kiwis hidden in the image. Only a true genius could find the kiwis hidden in the image.

You also have a time limit for the task. So, get out your stopwatch and set it for nine seconds. Within this time limit, you must find the four kiwis hidden in the birds kiwi optical illusion.

Intelligence test with optical illusion Find the hidden kiwis


If you couldn’t find the kiwis in the optical illusion, don’t be discouraged. Most fail to complete the task on time. If you want help completing the task, here’s a hint: look closely at the kiwis in the picture and focus on their thin beaks. You’ll find all four kiwis completely hidden in plain sight if you focus on the brown spots without spikes.

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If even after putting all these tips together you can’t find the hidden kiwis, check out the solution below:

Intelligence test with optical illusion Find the hidden kiwis

Tell us if you were able to find the hidden kiwis in time in the comments below.

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