Israel investigates reports of tunnel construction in West Bank as locals fear imminent October 7-style attack

Israeli officials have ordered new investigations into reports of excavation noises beneath an Israeli town near the West Bank this week.

Residents of Bat Hefer have reported hearing excavation noises beneath their homes, which are located just across the border from the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Officials conducted three previous checks and found no evidence of tunnel construction, but the city hall has now ordered two additional checks, according to the Times of Israel.

A Bat Hefer resident recorded the noises and broadcast them on a public broadcast, according to Israeli media.

Citizens across the country remain in a high state of tension as they fear another attack similar to the Hamas massacre of October 7.

“We take the reports very seriously and are working overtime to verify the issue comprehensively and professionally, using various methods. So far three controls have been carried out and two more will be carried out in the coming days. So far, there have been no findings indicating that excavation is taking place,” the Emek Hefer Regional Council told Israeli media.

Residents of the city say they remain frightened as they see Hezbollah launching missiles and rockets across Israel’s northern border.

“The situation is really not good,” resident Gadi Ohayon told Israeli radio. “We live in a state of constant insecurity, the settlement is attacked with direct and indirect fire almost every day. “We can show you photographs of shells from our shipyards.”

Israel has carried out almost three months of bombing in Gaza.Israel has carried out almost three months of bombing in Gaza. AP

“They are shaking us, just as they shook the South and as they shook the North. We are not taking any less risk. It may not happen in a minute, but we cannot be surprised. Once they cross the Bat Hefer fence and the nearby settlements, Kfar Saba, Raanana, Hadera, Netanya and the entire line will be attacked, all the way to the sea,” he added.

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The Israeli military is working to eradicate Hamas from the terrorist organization’s labyrinth of tunnels beneath Gaza. IDF troops began pumping seawater into Hamas’s tunnel system on December 14, but officials warned it would be a process that would take weeks.

Israel has identified some 800 tunnels beneath Gaza that Hamas has used to transport fighters, store weapons and plan terrorist attacks against Israel. However, Israeli officials believe the tunnel network is much larger.

Fox News’ Greg Norman contributed to this report.

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