Israeli archaeologists find 2,000-year-old receipt carved in stone in Jerusalem

Thought paper receipts were taking up too much space in your wallet? Have you ever heard of a stone receipt? Some archaeologists found one; This is what it looks like.

Israeli archaeologists unearth 2,000-year-old receipt carved into limestone slab

Jam Press/Eliyahu Yanai

During an excavation in Jerusalem, Israeli archaeologists unearthed a 2,000-year-old receipt cut into a limestone slab, according to a Facebook post from the Israel Antiquities Authority on Wednesday. Yes, their agreements were written in stone.

IAA heritage minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu said the “remarkable discovery” sheds light on “another aspect of Jewish life in the city 2,000 years ago.” The FAA discovered the ancient proof of purchase on the City of David Pilgrimage avenue, which is now Jerusalem Walls National Park and is widely considered the most important avenue in the city.

The artifact was discovered in a “tunnel from a previous excavation at the site, excavated in the late 19th century by British archaeologists Bliss and Dickie,” according to the FAA.

The slab used to be part of an ossuary, a form of funerary casket.

stone slabJam Press/Eliyahu Yanai

Scientists believe the financial record dates back to the Second Temple period when Jesus lived and the Romans ruled the region. The inexpensive artifact, which was once part of an ossuary, a form of burial casket in use at the time, is engraved with seven partially intact lines showing “fragments of Hebrew names with letters and numbers written alongside.”

“For example, a line includes the end of the name ‘Shimon’ followed by the Hebrew letter ‘mem’ [an abbreviation of the word for money]and the other lines are symbols that represent numbers,” the researchers explained on social media.

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“Some of the numbers are preceded by their economic value.” As a result, the archaeologists concluded that the inscription was most likely a receipt or payment instruction carved by someone involved in commercial activities, according to Jam Press. In other words, it is safe to conclude that the deal was finalized.

The nature of the transaction and the identity of “Shimon” are unknown, but the artifact may be proof that ancient peoples were familiar with the concept of retaining a receipt.

“That such a receipt has come down to us is a rare and rewarding find that offers a glimpse into daily life in the holy city of Jerusalem,” the experts enthused. It is currently unknown if the buyer is still eligible for a refund on their purchase.

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