LOOK: Video of Alexandra De Taddeo: Explanation of the scandal and controversy

Here, we will go into more detail about Alexandra de Taddeo’s popular video. The general population searches the internet for the current popular video in addition to doing so to learn more about it. Everyone is interested in learning more about contentious distribution because it focuses on private video. Therefore, we have provided the facts about it for our readers. In this article, we will also provide details about the ongoing viral video of them.

Video of Alexandra De Taddeo

More than three years after the incident involving Benjamin Griveaux, the former LREM candidate for mayor of Paris, the trial of Russian artist Piotr Pavlenski and his mistress Alexandra de Taddeo began on June 28. Griveaux withdrew from the mayoral race in February 2020 as a result of the case’s privacy violation and the release of personal videos of him. For their alleged involvement in the recording and dissemination of the videos, Pavlenski and de Taddeo are charged with various offences. The sensational release of Alexandra De Taddeo’s film sparked a surge of public interest and raised critical issues around privacy and the misuse of personal data.

Due to the exposure of private films sent to his ex-girlfriend Alexandra de Taddeo, he dropped out of the race. The sexually explicit films had copies of messages between Griveaux and de Taddeo added to the edit. The images were then published on the “Pornopolitique” website, and the Russian artist Piotr Pavlenski, known for his controversial acts, took over the writing. The affair shocked the political establishment, and Griveaux’s decision to drop out of the campaign was heavily criticized. The incident was criticized for violating people’s privacy and endangering democracy. I, Richard Malka, Griveaux’s lawyer, claimed that Pavlenski and de Taddeo had used “Stasi methods” to sabotage the Griveaux campaign and family.

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Griveaux withdrew, complained, and an investigation into the matter was launched as a result. During the trials, Alexandra de Taddeo claimed that she had kept the films as evidence in case her relationship with Griveaux ran into trouble. She argued that Pavlenski, whom she met in late 2018, had posted her videos without her consent. The investigating judges, on the other hand, thought that De Taddeo had a direct participation in the dissemination of the films. They cited her financial backing of a group that provided funding for the “Pornopolitique” website, as well as her alleged attempts to erase evidence by reformatting her computer and dropping technical support.

Categories: Trending
Source: vtt.edu.vn

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