Maharashtra Elections 2024 Vidhan Sabha Election Date, CM Candidate, Poll, Prediction

Maharashtra Election 2024 Vidhan Sabha Election Date, CM Candidate, Poll, Prediction and many more details can be checked here. The next Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Election will be held next year and we have covered all the important updates released so far. Stay with us if you are interested in politics to know all the information about Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Election 2024.

Maharashtra Election 2024

The people of the state of Maharashtra will vote next year for their favorite candidates in the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha elections scheduled for 2024. There are a total of 288 seats in the legislative assembly in the state, and to form the government in the state 145, Se need a majority of seats.

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The official dates for the election events have not been declared but are expected to be scheduled for October 2024. The Maharashtra Election Committee will publish the dates of the election events, including the date of notification, the latest date to complete registration and the scrutiny of the nomination. , last date of withdrawal of nominations, voting date and vote count. There is more than a year until the elections and opinion polls have already begun. Let’s see which political party will govern the state for the next five years.

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Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Election Date 2024

The election committee is yet to notify the date of Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha election and other event dates. The official dates of all events will be published on the official portal of the electoral committee. But, according to the latest reports so far, the elections are scheduled for before October 2024.

More updates will be made public through news channels and social media. We will also update this page soon after the election committee publishes the notification about the election dates.

Maharashtra CM Candidate 2024

It is difficult to say right now about the Maharashtra CM candidate for 2024. According to the opinion poll results of various surveys conducted in the state, most people believe that Devendra Fadnavis, BJP leader in Maharashtra, will have a strong chance to become the CM candidate of Maharashtra for 2024. Chief Minister of Maharashtra in the upcoming Assembly elections.

Apart from this, the next name considered after him is SHS party leader Eknath Shinde, currently Chief Minister of Maharashtra since June 30, 2022. But nothing can be said for sure. As in politics, nothing is permanent.

Maharashtra Election Opinion Survey 2024

For the upcoming Maharashtra Legislative Assembly election, several opinion polls have already been conducted and most of the opinion results are in favor of the Bhartiya Janta Party. At this point, the opposition Congress Party needs a miracle to regain its dominance in the most populous state.

According to opinion polls, the NDA government, led by the BJP, and the Shiv Sena, led by CM Eknath Shinde, will occupy the position of power in the state next year. The poll results show that the alliance will win between 165 and 185 seats. While Congress, NCP and Shiv Sena’s Maha Vikas Aghadi will get between 88 and 118 seats.

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Highlights of previous Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha elections

As we have clarified above, there are 288 seats in the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha and to win, the majority political party must have won 145 seats. The previous Assembly elections in the state were held in October 2019, in which the NDA alliance formed by the two political parties BJP and Shiv Sena won the elections with a clear majority and formed a government in Maharashtra. The BJP contested 164 seats, of which it won 105, and the Shiv Sena, of the 126 seats contested, won 56 seats.

But the alliance broke down due to internal conflict, and Shiv Sena left the alliance and formed a new alliance with the Indian National Congress party called Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA).

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In 2022, Maharashtra’s political crisis began when Eknath Shinde and 40 MLAs left the MVA alliance and moved to the BJP-ruled state of Surat. The reason for Eknath Shinde’s revolt is that he disagrees with Udhav Thakeray’s decision not to end the alliance with MVA even though 70% of Shiv Sena members voted to end the alliance . In the end, his revolt was successful and Shinde became the new Chief Minister of the state with the help of the BJP. Sanjay Raut accused the BJP of the revolt within the Shiv Sena.

Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Election Prediction 2024

Predictions for the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha elections have started very early as the elections are still more than a year away. As per our observation, most people believe that the NDA alliance will form the government in Maharashtra. While there is a section of people who think that Udhav Thakeray will return to his CM post.

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Let’s see what new twists will be seen in the Maharashtra elections. More updates on the elections will be available from time to time here on our portal. So bookmark our website address for all the happenings related to Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha Election 2024.

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