Man leaves wife at airport Starbucks and boards flight to teach her time management

A 47-year-old American man sparked a heated debate on social media with a post on Reddit. He described an incident in which he dropped off her wife Meg, 43, at the airport and took a flight without her.

This situation also involves his daughter Jess, 21, whom he had before marrying Meg.

Since Jess was in another US state, the couple planned a “long weekend” visit to see her. The man saw himself as a “Type A” personality, in contrast to his wife’s more relaxed nature.

“I like to have everything organized and make sure we get to where we need to be early, especially when we travel.” the man wrote on Reddit. “My wife is the complete opposite, very ‘go with the flow’ and ‘we’ll get there when we get there.'” he added.

The couple, married for almost a decade, has a daughter from the man’s previous marriage who now attends college on the opposite coast, according to the New York Post. They make frequent visits to see her.


In his Reddit post, the man revealed that he had been experiencing anxiety in the days leading up to his latest trip.

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Am I the idiot who gets on the plane and leaves without my wife? byu/anguy1284 on TwoHotTakes

This was because his wife’s actions had caused them to miss their flight to visit their daughter the previous year.

He described how he had tried to wake her five times, but she decided to take a shower, make coffee and eat cereal while he nervously waited for his flight.

When his wife was finally ready, they arrived at the gate, but their flight had departed.

They had initially planned to spend two days with their daughter and he was excited to make the most of their time together during this visit.

However, on this occasion, the couple arrived at the gate well in advance, which calmed the man but irritated his wife, who continued to complain about the wait to board. They successfully boarded their first flight and landed less than an hour before their connecting flight.

To get to the second gate they had to take several trains. They arrived at the gate with only 15 minutes to spare.

His wife then expressed a desire to have coffee, but declined his offer to buy something at the market near their door. Instead, she insisted on buying Starbucks coffee, which required a train ride.

“I tried to calm her down, but she stood her ground. She walked away at a fast pace, saying she would go back in time.” the man mentioned.

After 15 minutes, the plane began boarding, but his wife had not returned.

He waited at the door until a crew member told him that the door had to close in two minutes, so he had to be in his seat or leave the boarding ramp.

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He said he tried to plead with the airline employee, but they told him they couldn’t delay the plane any further. His wife called him a few minutes after taking his seat.

He encouraged her to get a ticket for the next flight and she went to spend the weekend with her daughter.

Some believed his wife deserved to be left behind, while others thought he was “crazy.”

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