Massive asteroid passes close to Earth: expected this weekend

NASA recently claimed that a massive asteroid passed between the orbits of our planet and the Moon. We’re lucky the massive asteroid missed both planets, as it could destroy a city. Its size can be assumed by reading the fact that it could devastate any city in the world. Ever since NASA revealed this news, people have gone crazy looking for it. But if you are looking for a detailed article on this headline, then this is the right place. We have discussed all the imperative aspects and details shared by the respective agencies. In addition, we have tried to answer each and every one of the imperative questions related to this headline. So stick with this page and you should go through this page to the last. Scroll down the screen and take a look at the following sections.

Massive asteroid passing Earth

The asteroid that passed between the orbits of the Earth and the Moon is called 2023 DZ2. Reportedly, 2023 DZ2 was discovered about a month ago. Scientists assumed that 2023 DZ2 passed within 175,000 km of Earth after passing the Moon on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Occasionally an incident occurs when an asteroid in a range of 40 to 90 m in diameter approaches to the earth. That’s why astronomers called it a once-in-a-decade incident. Scroll down the page and read more details about it.

Massive asteroid passing Earth

NASA saw the event with the potential to hit Earth as an opportunity for astronomers to get more details and gain more knowledge about asteroids. While the European Space Agency’s planet defense chief named Richard Moissl said there was no chance of this city killer hitting Earth, but it was close enough to the planet to increase the chances of getting more details from the asteroids. . “There is no chance of this ‘city killer’ hitting Earth, but its close approach offers a great opportunity for observations,” scroll down the page and read more details.

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Massive asteroid passing Earth

According to Mr. Moissl, 2023, DZ2 was an interesting scientific object. He further added that more details and data were required to know the composition of the asteroid. Reportedly, this asteroid was also visible through telescopes and binoculars around the world, as it was too close to Earth. Additionally, The Virtual Telescope Project also provided a live feed of the asteroid. Stay tuned to this website for more details.

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